chapter 1

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+*3rd P.O.V.*+

you look around observing the old bar the I stood in. The clean glasses were lined up perfectly. the floor creaked with small movement. The windows were boarded up and the door was covered in locks. Finally you look at the other people in the room. There was a tall man on the right of you. He had dark hair and purple scars over his face. you felt a stare from the left of you and you looked at the small girl on the other side of you. She had blond hair in buns and a grin on her face. You keep a straight face and then you look forward. You see a large cloud looking thing casually cleaning a glass, and then you see him.

The man you've heard so much about stood in front of you. He had slightly tangled blue hair to his shoulders. He had a hand over his face so you couldn't see it completely. He wore a black long sleeved shirt that hugged him loosely. You grinned widely.

 "why are you so cheery?" the man on the right of you asked in a low dangerous tone. You weren't scared but slightly amused. You don't look at him and don't say anything, You just stand tall with your hands behind your back. The people around you talk but you loosely pay attention. All you got from the conversation was that the girl with blond hair is named Toga, the man with black hair said his name was Dabi, and then the people infront of you is Shigiraki and Kurogiri. Shigiraki looks at you intently. "and what's your name?" he asked with annoyance. You're smirk grows bigger "Y/n Meneru at your service" You bow slightly. He quirks a brow "and whats your quirk?" you chuckle slightly "if Dabi's real name can wait so can my quirk.". Shigiraki glared "get them out of my sight" you could tell a fight was about to break out so you decided to slip your card on the counter and then leave.

Shigiraki x Male reader (!ALIVE AGAIN/RE-EDITING!)Where stories live. Discover now