chapter 3

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We get to my house at about 5 and all pile in. Its getting chilly and quite cloudy. Great,more rain.
"Hey,I'm gonna order a pizza,that okay with you guys?"

"Yeah,sure", Naya says.

I go to the kitchen and dial the number on the house phone, after 30 seconds someone answers,

" pizza shack,this is Kieran,how may I help you?",his voice travels down the phone line into my ear sending shivers down my spine. Its almost as if he's standing right next to me.

"Uh,yeah,can I have a large chicken and mushroom?"I say to Kieran,my voice small and shaky.

"Okay cool,that's house number 27 on heroes drive right?",a big grin plasters itself on my face. He knows where I live! Snap out of it,pizza delivery uses GPS on your phone. Oh,yeah.
"Yeah,that's the one", I can't help but smile..

" okay,your order will be ready and at your door in thirty minutes,is that all?"

"Yes,thank you."

"No problem,have a nice evening."

He hangs up and I stay rooted in the same spot.

Chloe comes looking for me,she sees the smile on my faces and asks,

"Why are you so happy? I know you like pizza and all,but that's not a pizza smile."

"Kieran works at pizza shack. He answered the phone. Oh lawd.  That boy will be the death of me.", I say to her and she smiles at me. Kieran is a junior/form four, just like me. He's the quiet geeky type but he is so good looking. I've had a crush on him for the longest time.

" we're in the same class Al,you need to tell him..",Chloe says to me.

"Yeah,but I can't",I'm kinda shy with boys,it doesn't help that I'm not the prettiest girl either. Maybe one day.

" come on,Naya is alone,let's go start on some of the homework before pizza gets here",Chloe says as she drags me with her to my room.

We start with some R.E(religious education) which is probably the least we have,we're currently studying Hinduism,we just have to list a few things explaining what being a Hindu is like and the rules and stuff like that. R.E is a great subject,we learn about different religions and cultures. It helps with understanding different people from varying places.

After about 20minutes we're done and I hear the doorbell. PIZZA!!

Dude,I love food,I open the door,pay the pizza guy and take the pie to my room with some sodas and napkins. I'm kinda relieved Kieran didn't deliver  the pizza. I would have died on the spot.

Like me,the girls are excited about food. We dig in and I savour. Friends and food,it doesn't get any better


After pizza,the girls and I do home work. Its ten when when we're done. We love to clear our school work at once so that we can have fun the rest of the weekend. I know,we sound like nerds but don't you think its better than fretting over it last minute? Yeah,that's what I thought.

"Hey,do want me to do your nails?", Chloe asks us. I should have known. Chloe makes sure I do something relatively girly every time we all hang out.

Without letting us answer,she pulls out her infamous bag of nail polish,it's not a big bag,but she sure does fit a lot of nail lacquer in it. The girl is such a girl.

I know better than to protest. Chloe can be aggressively persuasive,I don't want to bring out that side for the sake of Naya and myself.

Time to file,buff,paint,dry,decorate winds down to an excruciating three hours.  I can't say its time wasted though. My nails look amazing,since my nails are quite long,she rounds the tips with a nail file and puts a base coat on. She adds two coats of a very pale pink color and with a fine brush draws on them with black nail polish. The girl gat skills.

As for Naya. Damn. I don't even want to describe them. But for all nail a rt fans,I will. Naya keeps her nails short. Chloe has covered them in yellow and painted on the evil purple minions. They look so good. I'm a fan of 'despicable me' so anything 'despicable' is awesome.

When all is done we talk for a little while,the girls try to bring Kieran up but its too much for me,talking to him was enough. I can go a few days remembering that call. Even though I called to order pizza. But hey,a girl can dream right?

At around two thirty I hear the door,since he's been absent,I assume its Andrew. Just as I think that,my door opens slightly and he pokes his head in. I can almost swear I hear Naya's heart stop beating.

"Oh,hey girls,I thought you'd be asleep", he whispers,but with a voice that deep its practically a loud and almost incoherent grumble.

" hey",we all say to him simultaneously.

"So why are you up?",he asks,coming into my room.

Again,Naya's heart. She has the biggest crush on him,I think he likes her to judging by the way he's asking her as opposed to all of us.

"O-oh,uhm.. Chloe was doing our nails", Naya says in a small voice.
Stammering? Really Naya?
"Oh cool," he says,scratching the back of his neck,his eyes to the floor,"I should have known,I caught the scent of nail polish a mile away."
Stammering, looking at the floor. I think we have something interesting here,I think to myself,grinning like a maniac.

He mumbles a quick goodnight and leaves. Leaving Chloe and I turning to Naya for an explanation on whatever happened between her and my brother."Earlier In the week we kinda,uh,kissed?", she says in a breathless sentence,"it wasn't a kiss really,he apologised right after.",she explains,the sad tone in her voice at the end of her sentence breaks my heart.

Andrew likes her,its not hard to figure out. But sometimes he doesn't know what to say and apologises. All the time. He needs to tell her how he feels,but again,so does she. I swear these two kids.

Most people would think its weird that I'm weirdly cool with one of my best friends liking my brother. Its not bad really. I already told Naya that if anything ever did happen between them and it ended,I should most definitely not be mentioned or anything, I love them both and I wouldn't pick a side or something stupid like that.

Knowing Andrew,if they did get together,he would never let her go. He's a pretty decent guy,thanks to me. He isn't the type to cheat,in fact,in his last relationship a while ago,his girlfriend cheated on him with some guy in form six. It really broke him but I'm glad it didn't push him to be the same type of person.

We talk it out and comfort her saying Andrew does and says things he doesn't mean sometimes. Its not long before we finally fall asleep at 3am.

Writing is so much fun,please show some support,I'm new to this,if you

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