chapter 8

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I woke up on Wednesday morning,when I set my feet on the floor it hit me. I was out with Kieran last night! I let out a small squeal of excitement and reached out for phone,I found a few texts from Sia, Kieran Naya and Chloe. I opened Kieran's first,
Kieran:hey Alison,I had a great night. Do you have a ride to school in the morning? 12.45

I was already asleep when I got the text,I looked at the watch and it was six thirty,school doesn't start til eight so I replied.
Alison:hey Kieran,I normally do,but if you want I can cancel :)

I hope he's awake. I hear my phone beep.
Kieran:yeah,I can pick you up if you want.
Alison:yes please.
Kieran:okay,I'll b there at 7.45. C'ya.

I opened the text from Chloe. She was asking me how my date went and if we kissed and stuff.
Alison:hey Clo! No,we didn't kiss. It went gr8,so good that I don't need a ride today,Kieran is gonna pick me up.

I got a reply almost instantly.
Chloe:OMG!!!!!!!!!! that's so amazing. You have to update me ASAP,but first,start getting ready! C'ya.

I got the same from Naya. Girls and details I swear. Sia sent me googly eyes. David spilled so now I guess James knew. Time to get ready for school,it was going to be a long day.

An hour later,the door bell rang. I was in a pair of blue jeans and a long sleeved denim shirt with black vans. My hair was tied back and I had on a silver headband,like always I had no makeup,just my trusty eyeliner and dark lip gloss.

I rushed out and said hello to Kieran. We walked to his car and started to school. We talked about school and what projects we had. It may be weird but honestly, just talking to him was enough. We could talk about rocks and I wouldn't even mind.

The form fours and fives had their own parking lot. We pulled in just as Chloe and David pulled in,Chloe and Naya were together and David had given James a ride.

Chloe parked right next to Kieran, I knew it was on purpose. When we walked out she gave me a hug and not so quietly whispered,

"I'm so excited for you!",Kieran must have heard cause he had a small shy smile on his face.

After we'd all said our hellos we made our way to the school. We looked kind of like a good squad,it was so cool. The whole two minute walk into the school building was full Of Sia talking about how he didn't get high last night, Sia and his problems.

Kevin spotted us just as we walked in, he and Naya headed of to their drama meeting while the rest of us minus Sia headed to first period English,it was already a good morning and it just got better.


At lunch time I sat with Kevin and Naya,Sia was busy with work and James and Chloe just disappeared,maybe they too were busy... Kieran would throw me a smile in class from time to time but he couldn't join me,or us for lunch but I guess it was too early for that.

The butterflies in my stomach were on their worst behaviour, I didn't even eat much. The bell signalling the end of lunch went off and we went to class for math. Chloe and James were in class already, maybe they were here all lunch,weird.

When we left school Kieran offered to give me a ride home,he'd been acting all nervous after lunch and it made me quite nervous too,maybe he just wasn't into me. We got to my house and was just about to get out of the car when he gently pulled me back. Don't get excited, this is real life he won't kiss me like they do in the movies.

"I had a good time,",he starts,his eyes fixed on mine,"I was wondering, would you like to go out again? Maybe Friday night?"

"Yeah,no problem", I say to him,"see you tomorrow."

I got out of the car and waved goodbye. Just as I was about to turn and walk up to my door I saw Chloe's car pull up.

"Let's go ice and talk!" She said when she rolled her window down.

"Damn Clo,couldn't wait for a call?" I say to her.

"Oh lawd I'm hurt," she says feigning sadness,"such delicate matters do not get discussed on the phone."

"Get in." Naya demanded.

We went to the really cool gelato place at the mall. I love Italian ice cream,nothing is better,seriously. Chloe and Naya threw questions at me for a whole hour!

"He asked me to go out on Friday." I said to both girls.

"Shut up!"

"No way!"
Again with the talking at the same time.

"Yeah, don't worry,you taught me enough so I think I'll get ready on my own."

"Not happening", Naya says,"We'll be with you until the doorbell rings."

"I love you guys." I say to the both of them. These girls are like the sisters I never had. I can never ask for better day ones than these two.

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