chapter 2

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After dinner with my family,a hearty meal of pasta with only the best pasta sauce that smells so wonderful it makes you wanna dance. I decided to take a long hot shower washing off all the rain and replacing it with the lush scent of honey and milk.

I got out and decided to blow dry it as opposed to letting it air dry,I didn't want to catch a cold. After blow drying my hair, I sat down at my desk and began on my home work. I didn't have much to do,like every other night.

I swear my Chem teacher hated us. I'd been doing my homework for well over an hour, my brain is more than fried at this point

Chloe:dude,tell me you have answers
Alison:I've only done like,three quarters
Chloe:can I come over,I m dyin
Alison:two heads are always better than one! :D

"Hi!", Chloe says  as I open the door for her,"I came as fast as could".

"Yeah,because you have car,come in quick,we need to get this done."I say to her as she picks her back pack off the floor. We head to my room and get set up,too copy off each other of course.

I've known Chloe for a while now,she is one of the best people I know. I've had some super hard times in my life and she's helped me out a lot. Its funny now, but at one point I was convinced that the love I had for her was like,I don't know, Infatuation? Hahaha,its over now. I was probably going through a phase/

But again,you can't blame me. Chloe is beautiful. Like no jokes. She has the fairest skin,and she barely uses any product. Her hair is black and goes down to her shoulders, it isn't long but its beautiful and voluminous, all the time,unless of course its wet. She's a little taller than me,plus she's leggy,boys drop at her feet,but she isn't really the 'boy type'

" I think our Chem teacher hates at",frustration dripping from every word she says.

"Ain't that the truth"I manage to groan out. I'm tired I don't even know how I'm awake.

We settle in silence as we carry on with the work burdened on our backs,and brains too.

Its been three hours. When we had done our Chemistry we started with English which thankfully wasn't so hard.


I woke up in the morning to the sweet scent of banana pancakes drifting in the air, my stomach grumbled and yearned for them.

I felt something stir beside me,a mess of black hair? Oh yeah,I completely forgot Chloe slept over.

I nudge her and I get an incoherent grumble from her.

So I try talking," Chloe wake up",I whisper shout.


"Chloe!", I try louder

" Where's the fire?!",she asks in a panic

"Relax,its just me", I say to her trying to stifle a laugh..

" oh,good morning",she says cheerfully, "your house smells like heaven!"

"My mum is making breakfast", I say,"we need to get dressed before we go down"

"Shit,I didn't bring any clothes",she says.

" Its cool,you can take something from my closet.

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