Chapter 15

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"He kissed your hand?"

Hermione nodded as Ginny's brows shot into her hairline after Hermione divulged how the night at the ballet had ended.

Yes, and he looked deeply into my eyes the entire time and it was the single most arousing thing to happen to me in a long time. Further, I have brought myself to climax several times thinking about him.

"Yes. But maybe it was just some old-fashioned, pureblood etiquette thing?"

Hermione had intended to mention the night at the ballet to exactly zero people. But then Malfoy had to go and leave her all flustered and so Hermione required calling in the cavalry: Ginny. This time, Hermione took no chances of being overheard, and invited Ginny over for dinner while Harry worked an overnight raid.

Ginny shot up from Hermione's couch and began pacing around the living room. They'd foregone wine and opted for tea tonight because Hermione wanted a clear head when discussing her "I'm embarrassingly infatuated with Malfoy" situation. She did not reveal to Ginny the name she'd given this situation in her head, nor the fact that her sexual fantasies starred him and only him.

"It's possible, certainly. He is a poncey little prat after all." Ginny conceded and made a face.

"That's not helping Ginny."

Hermione sighed and leaned back against the couch in defeat. "How is it that I have made it to my late twenties and still remain woefully inept at reading men?"

Ginny didn't stop her pacing but shot Hermione a stern look. "You're not woefully inept at anything. Well, maybe quidditch." Hermione let out a snort of laughter and Ginny continued. "Look, I obviously don't know Malfoy the way you do. But I can, objectively, say he is stupidly handsome. I can also, objectively, say that you are positively gorgeous."

Ginny had to hold up an impatient hand as Hermione opened her mouth to protest. "Don't you dare say otherwise or I will hex you across the room. Now," Ginny clasped her hands in front of her as she continued her pacing. "I think sexual attraction between two good-looking people is normal and probably inevitable, but if you're worried that your attraction to him will cause you to act rashly, we can work on how to give you the upper hand here."

Hermione swirled her tea around in her mug as she mulled over Ginny's words. "How?"

"Haughty indifference," Ginny asserted. "You will act as if absolutely nothing he does is getting under your skin. The longer you can put up a confidence front, the more you will begin to believe it yourself, and then it will become natural. That way, this bout of fancying him won't lead anywhere further."

Of course, why would I want this to lead anywhere? Except to perhaps my bedroom?

They'd spent the rest of the evening game-planning Hermione's behaviors for the next time she met up with Malfoy.

Before approaching the café on Monday morning, Hermione took a moment to collect herself. Remembering everything she had discussed with Ginny about appearing unruffled at all times, she corrected her posture, poised her head up high and strode purposefully into the café.

"Good morning," she greeted him coolly. This was working, she thought, so far she had maintained her air of being supremely unaffected in his presence.

"Granger," he practically purred her name and it immediately caused her stomach to somersault. Damn it all, she was in trouble. This was a horrible, awful, terrible idea. How on earth did Hermione think she could remain nonchalant in his company? He'd said one word, her surname, and Hermione wanted to melt out of her clothing. Possibly because he'd said it just the way she'd dreamt the other night. The dream where he'd been mere seconds away from bringing her to a mind-bending orgasm.

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