Chapter 28

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July 2008

The inner front pocket of his robes felt warm. Opening the two-way journal, Draco saw a pleasantly surprising request from Hermione awaited him.

Could you come round my place tonight?

Of course, he hastily scribbled back. Everything all right?

Fine, I just want to see you.

If Draco could see himself grinning like a fool at his desk, he'd hex his own face off. They typically didn't spend weekday evenings together, so this was a delightful detour from his usual Tuesday routine. As the clock ticked closer to the end of the work day, however, a more insidious thought crept into his mind.

Her message had been rather short, no? Quite brusque? No emotional punctuation, no term of endearment... never mind that they weren't the sort of couple (yet) for that type of behavior.

But still, something about the detached, brief note left worry growing in his gut. By the time Draco stepped out of her Floo, he had managed to convince himself that Hermione had summoned him over to break things off with him.

To his enormous relief, the second Hermione spotted him she beamed and flung her arms around him. "I got it! I got it!"

Draco pulled back and grinned down at her. "Am I to assume I'm now in the presence of the new Deputy Director of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures?"

"Yes!" she squealed, eyes shining with pride. She pressed a fierce kiss to his lips. I love you.

"Didn't I tell you they'd give it to you? Don't know why you were so nervous."

"I know, I know, but I'd never want to presume something like this."

"Is it official then? Did they announce?"

Hermione shook her head. "Not yet. Amir came to my office just before lunch to offer me the post. I accepted, of course, but the paperwork won't be signed until tomorrow. Juanita is the only other person who knows, she stopped in to congratulate me on her way out today. Oh Merlin, I'm going to have quite the time filling her shoes. I should schedule an interview with her to go over the transition of duties and—"

"Whoa, whoa, Granger slow down! Take a minute to bask in your achievement. Off with those work robes, we're celebrating tonight. Actually, hold that thought, I'll be right back."

Fifteen minutes later, Draco stepped out of Hermione's fireplace once more, this time clutching a bottle of vintage champagne from his wine cellar.

"Just so you know, I only have two of these bottles, so consider yourself—"

What Hermione should consider herself, she would never find out. The rest of Draco's sentence died on his lips as he took in the sight before him on the couch. Oh fuck, I love you.

"Is that my shirt?" he croaked, throat dry.

Hermione's lips curved into a playful smile. "I do believe it is, yes."

"Just something else you've stolen, eh?"

Hermione unfurled her bare legs from the couch and walked slowly towards him. The white, collared dress shirt brushed the tops of her thighs, and she'd shaken her soft curls loose from the confines of their bun.

He knew she'd object to the thought if he were stupid enough to voice it aloud, so he kept silent. But the word that had crossed his mind when he laid eyes on her in his shirt was: Mine.

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