part 5

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James's POV:
The next morning I woke up to Moony yet again yelling for us to wake. I jumped out of bed and got dressed. "What's the rush? Have plans for today?" he asked me startled by my outburst of energy. I smirked at him and he knew that meant we were getting up to trouble.

Sirius looked at me with excitement in his eyes. "What's the plans Prong? Inform us." I tell them about the truth serum and for once Remus is excited for something that could get him in trouble. They all start rushing to get ready, pushing eachother to leave the room. When we were ready, we all rushed out of the room.

"What's the rush boys?" I hear Lily's voice from behind me. I turn to see her and Ally sitting on the couch. "Just some big plans. Oh! I forgot about our other plan. Girls, you might not want to POP anything" I said winking at them. They look at me confused but nod their heads following us.

We reached the Great Hall and walked in louder then we had been in a while. We sat down at the table talking until I realized the time. I signaled for Peter to use the spell to create bubbles that Sirius and I would enchant. The enchantment on it would make whoever popped one's hair red and gold. Everyone would be wearing Gryffindor colors for our quidditch game tonight.

On my cue, bubbles start to fill the Great Hall. A few Hufflepuff girl's began popping the bubbles and their hair turned red and gold, as planned. What nobody knew besides us four is that it also gave us time to pour the serum into the certain Slytherin's cups. That would be done by the help of Regulus, which took lots of convincing.

People continued popping the bubbles until they realized that was the cause for their hair. Raging laughter came from the Gryffindor table as
McGonagall walked over to our table. The boys and I stood up knowing that we'd have to go with her. I winked at Lily and walked off with the boys.

"Detention for 2 weeks! You're lucky I don't suspend you from the game tonight." she scolds us. "Come on Minnie, don't tell me you didn't enjoy that!" Sirius swayed back and forth on his feet. I noticed the twitch of her lips as if she were going to smile but she stayed stern. "Get to class." she said.
Ally's POV:

When the boys left the Great Hall, I looked at Lily. Sirius had pulled off another prank with his friends and gotten himself in trouble. I smiled thinking of my idiot of a boyfriend. I had a quidditch game later that day so I was nervous. It was against Ravenclaw so I knew we'd have the win. I played on the team with Sirius and James as the seeker.

Lily shook me to bring me back to reality and I realized everyone was leaving for class. I had potions next with Lily, Sirius, and Severus. Severus was Lily's childhood friend who the boys don't like. I found him quite kind until he called Lily a mudblood. When we got into the classroom Lily sat down next to another Gryffindor girl named Marlene. Sirius came into class and sat next to me but before doing it, he kissed me.

"Detention, only 2 weeks this time!" Sirius exclaimed. I smile and go to reply when our teacher walked in. The rest of the day was just more classes until school ended. Sirius and James waited for me to walk to the changing rooms for the game. "How was classes, kiddo?" James asked me while ruffing my hair. "Fine. I'm so ready to kick some Ravenclaw ass!" I jump up and down. Sirius smiles and takes my hand in his.

I go into the girls changing room while the boys go into the other one. Lily was in there for some odd reason. "Lily?" I said shocked. "I had to come in here and wish you good luck! I didn't see you in the rest of the classes. Good luck, don't die." She said hugging me. I smile at her and hug her back. "Thanks Lils" I yelled when she walked out.

I got changed and walked to where James's was giving his famous, "Let's go out there and kick some ass!!" speech. I giggled at him while hopping on my broom and flying off. Cheering could be heard throughout the stadium while Boo's were heard from the Slytherin's. I looked around their side but saw no sight of Lucius, Rodolphus, and Bellatrix. I rolled my eyes and focused on the game.

James and Sirius were chasers so I watched them waiting to catch a glimpse of the snitch. Right behind the Ravenclaw seeker, I stop the snitch flying high behind his head. I zoom towards him as he looks around to see it and misses it. He bumps into me trying to get me to lose focus of the snitch. I stand up on my broom, careful enough to not fall, and lean forward to grab the snitch. I fall forward onto the ground doing forward rolls as I hear "ooh's".

Looking up, I take the snitch from my hand and raise it up. "Ally William's has caught the snitch! Gryffindor wins!!" The announcer yells over the stadium. Sirius flys down to me and kisses me excitedly. "Nice job, princess!!" He exclaims. I look at James who's celebrating with the rest of the team as Sirius helps me up. "Party in the Gryffindor room tonight!!" James yells.

I walk to go get changed into my regular clothes but when I get to the changing room, I'm stopped by Lily. "Dumbledore questioned Rodolphus, Lucius, and Bellatrix.. They admitted things that got them expelled.." Excitement filled my entire body as I grab Lily's hand. I got changed quickly and ran with her to find the boys.

I start yelling when I see them, "Guys! They've been-" "expelled. We know." Remus laughed while hugging me. I gave him a questioning look as he explained what happened. I looked at Sirius then James. "What have you done!! When they find out, you're dead. DEAD. They're going to kill you.." I start sobbing. Remus continues to hug me but this time with more love and sadness.

"We'll be ok. Ok? I promise. Nothing's gonna happen. We're gonna grow up, get married, have kids! Lily and James will get married and we'll become the best damn god parents there are. Remus will find someone and get married while Peter does something with his life aswell." Sirius said pressing his forehead against mine.

I look up at him with teary eyes. "O-Ok.. Enough of this sad shit. We have a party to host!" I laugh trying to clear the air. We all start joking around while walking to the common room to set up. Lily smiles at me as we reach there and I feel safe. These people are my home.

"WAIT!! HALLOWEEN IS NEXT WEEK!!!" Sirius yells startling everyone. "We know. Did you forget?" Lily questioned me. "James we have to start planning our next prank for Halloween. We have to go big!!" Sirius exclaims. I giggle, "I want too join this time." James looks at me wide eyes and jumps for joy. He then picks me up and spins me around. "My girl is growing on up! How about you Lily? You want to join" He asked her winking. "Fine. This one time!" she smirks. "I-I didn't think you'd say yes.. Wow.." Sirius looked at her surprised as ever. "If she's in, I am too." Remus chimed in.

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