❥first year: the girl who escaped

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Chapter 1: The Girl Who Escaped
[Harrys POV]

"Harry! get up and cook the breakfast!" I heard aunt Petunia banging on my small door under the stairs.

I rolled over in my small bed and grabbed my glasses off the shelf next to me and put them on.

Suddenly I heard banging from above me, it was my stupid cousin Dudley.

"Wake up cousin! Were going to the zoo!" he said still jumping on the steps above my 'room'.

"Now hurry up, and don't burn anything." Aunt Petunia says hatred in her voice.

"Hurry up, bring my coffee boy!"

"Yes Uncle Vernon."

Dudley comes through the door, its Dudley's birthday.

As much as that isn't as exiting for me, I still have too look happy, if I even look at Dudley's presents in a way that doesn't look happy, I'll get screamed at by either Dudley, Uncle Vernon or Aunt Petunia.

"I want everything to be perfect for my Dudley's special day!" Aunt Petunia says in a voice as if shes talking to a baby, which don't get me wrong that's basically what Dudley is.

If he doesn't get something he wants, the whole house is in danger of getting destroyed, which right now is a perfect example.

"How many are there?"

"Thirty six, counted them myself." Uncle Vernon says proudly.

"THIRTY SIX BUT LAST YEAR LAST YEAR THERE WAS THIRTY SEVEN." Dudley shouts causing me to roll my eyes at my ungrateful cousins words.

But of corse he suddenly calms down after Aunt Petunia says they will get him two more presents while were out.

Im just happy i'm going to the zoo, yes it may be with Dudley, Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia, but
i've never been, i'm exited.

Your POV:
"Hey kid." I hear a familiar voice say from the streets of London, it was the shop keeper.

He owned a food deli which wasn't very popular but some people seamed to enjoy.

"sleep well?" he says in a warming tone.

I shake my head.

"Hm, well I would expect that you wouldn't get a good sleep sleeping on a hard ground." he says in a upset tone.

I give a fake smile because i didn't want things to be awkward.

"well heres a apple and a water."

I smile to say thanks, but that smile faded away as he spoke again.

"Look kid, I know you've had it rough, and I know you appreciate all my help. And I do like you being here, even though you don't talk much, but I love helping you. But i'm going to have to ask you to stop staying outside my shop, its sending the customers away and i'm already not the best shop here. I need all the money I can get. I hope you understand."

I look down at the ground for a bit but look back up.

"Its okay, thank you for helping me" I say slowly as I haven't really learned how to talk that good yet.

"good luck kid." he says to me in a sorry voice.

I get up and pick up my bag as he gives me lots of food and water to keep me going.

Let me explain, I escaped from Lancashire lab a few months ago.

I was there for as long as I can remember, I was 'raised' by a man called Dr Miller who I knew only by papa.

He 'raised' me in the lab, which I now know because I was different.

I had abilities that normal people did not have, I had telekinesis and telepathy.

And in the lab they would push me more and more to see what I could do, until as I got older to the age of eleven I couldn't take it.

I began to think that this wasn't a normal life.

Papa used to tell me that everyone was like me and everyone lived like me.

I believed it for a while until I got older, so I escaped.

It scared me there, they did tests on me, and pushed me to do things with my abilities that I didn't want to do.

But if I didn't do a test they said the bad men would drag me to a room which was very small and dark and lock me in for a while.

I was scared of the dark, and didn't like to be in small spaces.

Once I escaped I snuck onto a train leading to London to make sure I was far, far away.

I got a lot of stares from people probably because the fact I had a shaved head and was wearing a hospital gown.

The only thing left to remind me of my time at the lab was a small tattoo on my left wrist which said 007, and the flashbacks.

I ran through the streets of London in the rain to find a place to sleep, even for just one night, but the people of London aren't the kindest.

Finally I find a spot under a large statue, I set down my bag and cuddle into my oversized t-shirt I had been wearing for months.

And by the time I had found a place to sleep it was already dark, I fell asleep very quickly being the tired eleven year-old i was.

The next day, I woke up to crowds of people walking around the streets of London, I began looking for a public restroom so I could some what clean myself up. I found one in a near by pub, I walked into the pub and there was only a few people there so I just let my self into the restroom.

It was the first time in a while I had been in a restroom with a mirror so when I looked in I was amazed to see that my hair was growing back.

I had never seen my self with any-other hair other than my shaved head, I liked it.

"Pretty." I said while touching it.

It felt soft, and it was getting rather long.

I splashed my face with water to get the dirt off and used the toilet. Then thats where it all began.

Authors note:
Thats the first chapter done on this story!
yes this story is NOT finished yet, so if you've read what i've done so far just stick around and more chapters will come!
I'm aware that this chapter is quite short i promise the other chapters will be longer!
I'm going to try update everyday so if I don't feel free to shout at me.
I hope more people read this as i've got a-lot planned for this story :)
💌~ millie xo

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