Christmas At Luke's

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-Story Type: One Shot/Connected an AU

-Story Synopsis: Reggie starts spending Christmases at Luke's house. It slowly become a lot more than just supporting a friend.

-Quote: "At three forty-one PM on Christmas Eve, 2014, Reginald Peters was on the Patterson family doorstep, alone."

-Ships: Ruke(progresses), Julynn(progresses), Willex(progresses)

-AU: Kinda takes place in the Human au. I'm making Carrie, Bobby and Nick siblings again, takes place in modern times. Also, I'm making Bobby, Caleb and Carrie less of ashholes cause why not. In the au their all pals cause why not

-HCs: Luke's family is from Minnesota so they open presents on Christmas Eve like the weirdos they are(I just wanted to include my family traditions into this because why not)

Appearances by: Voltron character brotha!

2010: The First Christmas

When Reggie came over a few weeks before Christmas and Emily noticed more bruises than usual on her sons friend, she didn't question, but she did want to help.

She spoke to her husband about it. They came to quick decision.


Luke didn't know what they were whispering about, until they approached him the morning of the last day of school before break. "Would you like to ask Reggie if he would like to spend Christmas with us?" His mother asked him lightly.

"Really?!" The fourth grader said excitedly.

"Yes, but only if its okay with his parents."

Luke was giddy with happiness, so giddy that he saw Reggie in class he immediately asked him, almost too quick for the other boy to understand. "Oh, really?!" Reggie's face lit up. "Yeah, I'll ask my parents."

Luke didn't learn until years later that Reggie's parents response was "yeah, whatever, as long as you don't bother me." He also learned that Reggie had emailed Luke's mom himself- posing as his mother- and his next door neighbors, Shiro, Adam and Keith took him out to get presents- none of them asked why Reggie's parents couldn't take him or paid for the gifts.

At three forty-one PM on Christmas Eve, 2014, Reginald Peters was on the Patterson family doorstep, alone. Shiro had dropped him off.

Luke opened the door and hugged him tightly. "Merry Christmas!"


In 2008, Luke Patterson met Reggie Peters. This developed from a close friendship, to boyfriends.

In 2010, Luke invited Reggie to his house for Christmas. This developed into a long running tradition, starting with just the four of them- Reggie, Luke and Luke' s parents.

In 2013, Luke and Reggie invited their friend Alex Mercer to the Christmas parties. Alex brought his sisters making the total people seven. It was at that point when the tradition changed from celebrating on Christmas Eve and then heading home, to celebrating on Christmas Eve by opening friend gifts, sleeping over and then on Christmas Morning opening presents from family.

In 2014, Luke, Alex and Reggie asked their "friend from high school"- as they liked to call him- Bobby Wilson and his younger siblings to come and their father came as well. The group had added up to eleven.

In 2015, they invited their new friend Julie Molina and her family, including her best friend Flynn Marie. The number added too sixteen.

In 2016, the group subtracted for the first time. They had their first quiet Christmas three months after Julie's mother died. The number fell to fifteen.

In 2018, Alex met Willie Stewart. They hit it off and four months later, Willie and his foster father, Caleb, had joined the group, as well as Julie's aunt Victoria. The group had gone back to chaos, knowing Julie's mom would have wanted them to be happy. The number stacked to it's highest, eighteen.

And in 2020, the tradition hadn't changed. Christmas was always something to look forward to.


Little mini thing from this idea I had last night.

BTW: I was watching an insta live of a cosplayer last night and she answered a few of my questions and told me that my book is good without even reading it. I feel so forking honored

Have a wonderful day, loves!

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