Prologue~The Day My Life Changed~

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The loud cheering and shouting from the crowds around me starting banging rhythmically in my ears, following the same pace as my heartbeat. I clenched my fists as I felt the sweat on my forehead pour down my face as fast as a rainfall. I couldn't take this anymore, the aching of my feet, the throbbing pain in my lower back, the fact we couldn't even get a solid lead was egging me down, inch by inch I was one step ahead of collapsing onto the ground, but we were so close, 24:23, match point. I shrugged all the pain, all the doubt away, putting all my focus on that damn ball for the sake of my team.

With my left arm I quickly wiped the remaining sweat off my forehead. I bent down a little, getting in ready position, holding my short arms out. I was ready, every one of my teammates knew for a fact that I was ready to win, and they were too. We were ready for that victory, to bring home that shiny trophy, but first we had to finish the hard part, beating this really good team.

We've played many good teams before, some we've won, some we've lost, but none of them were this highly-skilled, powerful, and strong as our other opponents. I've studied their every move, every tactic they made, everything they did that we've never seen or heard of before, I remembered it all, but still, watching their moves up close in a real game wasn't the same as watching from afar, or on a screen.

Its not that I despised them or anything, I actually greatly admired their strategy's, how smoothly they moved on the court almost brought tears to my eyes, but now wasn't the time to cry, I just need to stay focused, keep my head in the game, that's all that matters, I'll be fine.

I heard the referees whistle blow, meaning the serve will come over the net any minute now. These opponents were unpredictable, it could come at you fast or slow, deep or short. The serve held the ball out in front of her, raising her free arm up, preparing herself to serve. I took a deep breath as she tossed the ball up high in the air and smacked it over the net, right to me.

I smirked as I easily passed the ball up high to the setter, I guess they were going to be playing safe now instead of how they were earlier, making powerful spikes. Our setter moved so that she was in front of the ball, making a high set for our outside hitter. The outside hitter spiked the ball quick enough so the blockers had no time to pinpoint where the ball was going, earning us a lovely point.

I screamed at the top of my lungs, tears forming in my eyes as I went to tackle my teammates to the ground. We laughed as we all hugged each other, sharing close contact with one another even with how bad we all smelled. I glanced over at our coach from the sidelines, who had tears of joy, squeezing our assistant coach.

Lights were flashing all around us, photographers catching our light-hearted moment the minute after we won the nationals. Most of the celebrating died down for a little bit as we were reunited with our families. I skipped over to my aunt who i'd been living with at the time. She smiled proudly at me, pulling me into a bone-crushing embrace.

After that, we received our medals and trophy, taking a giant group picture of all of us. One of the photographers told me it would be on the front headlines of the daily newspaper, which was a huge honor.

Before we all went to board the bus to take us back to the school, two reporters shoved microphones in my face, holding me back while the rest of my team took their seats on the bus. "Miss Sawamura, right?" The girl reporter asked. I nodded my head softly.

"That was a big win, wasn't it? What do you have to say about it?"

I smiled, "it was a big win, I know for a fact my teammates and I played our hearts out today, and so did the other team. We both wanted to win, the other team was really good, I think we both are at the same level of greatness, but like all sports, one team had to win, and that was our team. I'm proud of how much we all improved over the season, and I'm really excited to see how next year will turn out!"

The two reporters lowered her microphones, "thank you, miss. Hopefully we'll see you again here next year!"

I hope so too. After the reporters walked away, I started making my way onto the bus, sitting next to our setter. As soon as the bus started moving, I fell asleep all the way back to the school.

We celebrated our victory by having the whole team eat out at a fancy restaurant. Before it was my turn to order, I felt my phone vibrate inside my pocket. I stood up and walked over by bathrooms to get some privacy. I pulled out my phone to see the caller ID, it was my mom. I answered the phone quickly, thinking she was going to congratulate me on our win, but boy was I wrong.

"Hey, mom!" I chirped, "did you see me on TV? Wasn't it great!"

"Honey," she spoke in a soft, raspy voice, "I did see you on TV, you were amazing, but there's something really important I need to tell you."

I furrowed my eyebrows, what did she need to tell me?

"Mom, what's wrong?" I asked as my voice dropped to a whisper, my fingers started to tingle as I realized that something was wrong.

I could hear my mom take a long, deep breath. "It's your father," she answered with a shaky voice, "h-he passed away a couple hours ago."

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