Chapter 1

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Staring at the freaks I called my family. I had the sudden urge to run away. My stepdad Kyle is a Lazy Bastard who finds any and every excuse to not go work or be at home, my stepsister is a self serving Bitch who would not lift a finger to help you even if you are on fire and my mom. Lord! My mom, well she is just plain clueless.

Me well I'm a whole nother story. Sometimes I wish I would have died in the wreck with my dad. Because I have nothing! I mean nothing in common with these people or to live for.

Noelle. My mom calls my name, dragging me out of my thoughts. Young lady you are gonna be late for school now finish your breakfast and get dressed. I'm done I said walking to the sink dumping the remainder of my food down the disposal then placing the plate in the dishwasher.

In my room I head to my closet to gather the items I needed and head to the bathroom for a quick shower to make myself ready for school,  only to find the door closed and locked. I knock Angel are you almost done I need to get ready for school. I wait and wait she doesn't reply. I was about to knock again.

Just when the door opened. I was met with a very unhappy Angel. It's not my fault you woke up late. Can't you use the downstairs bathroom. Plus its not like you have much to do. Your only gonna pull your hair in to ponytail and throw on some jeans and a tee shirt.  Ooohh maximum  effort.

Angel, I can't help it if I'm a natural beauty and it takes the collect efforts of MAC, Sephora and Elle to make you look presentable. I laughed as a walked down the hall towards the stairs.

I know I'm gonna pay for that retort later but I don't care. I'm about tired of her picking on me. After all todays my eighteenth Birthday and I only have three more months of school left then I am out of here.

Dropping my guard to soon. I recieved a kick in the back which sent me tumbling down the stairs. Ooww you....

Noelle! I suggest you don't finish that sentence. My mom says. But she kicked me and made me fall I could've been killed I replied.

Stop making trouble and go get ready for school its to early in the morning for this shit Kyle yells.

After my shower and getting dressed I walk into the kitchen to say goodbye to my mom. She was sitting there with my best friend Shavon. Hey what are you doing here I asked. Mind if I catch a ride with you. My cars in the shop I had a little fender bender.

Another one Shavon! God you should have your license revoked. Angel said walking into the room. Dressed in a barely there skirt and button down shirt that was two sizes too tight it made her boobs sit up and the button holes stretch. Oh and mom don't forget I'm staying at Raleighs house this weekend. Later losers she said walking out the house.

I flipped her off as soon as her back was turned. Calling my mother, mom. Well she is a better mother to her than she is to me.

My stepsister and I have a love hate relationship.  She loves to beat, bully me, get me in trouble and I hate her for it.

She is always starting with me. Messing with me then runs to my mom and her dad, who of course believes her and punishes me.

How evil of a person can you be. I'll tell how. So evil and low down you cheat with your supposed siblings boyfriend and I don't mean kissing, petting, making out I mean actual sex with my then boyfriend of over a year.

I walked up to my mom giving her a hug and lingered for a second waiting on her to acknowledge me, when she pulled away from our embrace she says you girls better get going before your late. I sighed grabbed my bag heading out the door.

What was that about. Shavon asked getting into the passenger seat. Nothing I simply replied. 

Needing my caffeine fix I detoured from the direction of the school and made my way to Starbucks.

I pulled into the parking lot and whose car do I see its Satans Angel. Eff my luck.

Shavon and I walk in. I go up to the counter to place my order. Good I haven't been spotted yet. As we wait for our drinks, we over hear the conversation of Angel and her minions. They are talking about some new guy that just moved back to town. How they can't wait to meet him and how their hoping he looks good.

They won't say it but I know it doesn't matter if the other girls like him or not. Angel will not let either one of them have him, she will do everything in her powers to have him first and they will be to afraid to do anything about it.

She has never grown out of it. When we were little she had to have best and have it first. If she or anyone thought I had some thing better than hers she would simply destroy it and blame me.

When we were thirteen my mom bought us these cute lace dresses to take family pictures in. The photographer commented how beautiful I looked in my dress and told her how she looked pretty in hers. She took it as a slight so when no one was looking she ripped the dress started crying said I did it and you guessed it, they believed her.

Earning me ten belt lashes and two weeks grounding.

Over the years I've been blamed, spanked and disciplined for a many of thing Angel has done and done to herself.

Shavon witnessed her craziness once and tried to help me and for her trouble she got blamed right along with me. Thats what got her shunned and we became the best of friends.

Noelle the barista called. Like I said Eff my luck

Look girls. It's the all American rejects. She say bring her horde in my direction. Are you trying  to skip school. Mom and dad will be so disappointed in you.

Angel. You know we are not skipping. We are getting coffee then heading to school just like you are. Why do you have to be an ass all the time. Those games may have been cute at eight years old but now that your eighteen it just plain pathetic. Shavon says

I grab her arm. Please Shavon don't start her up not today.  Let it go please I beg.

Yeah Shavon listen to the little scary Bitch. Don't mess with me.

Listen Noelle may have to put up with your shit for fear of retaliation but I don't.  Shavon tells her

Oh! You DON'T have to worry about me. Well if your little friend here gets grounded for a couple of days whose gonna keep your sorry ass company.

Please Shavon lets just go we got our drinks lets just get to school. I plead with her. Fine she says lets go. We walk outside towards my car. As we are about to get in and leave Angel stops me by calling my name.

Yes I say and turn to her. You forgot something she says. I sigh and ask what? She proceeds to take the lid from her remaining Iceed coffee and throws the liquid all over my light pink colored tee shirt I am wearing. I jump back and scream as Angel and her friends laugh.

Dam it. I really hate her. I say entering my car I reached into the back seatand grabbed up the hoodie I  keep in the car. Pulling off the soiled tee shirt replacing it with the hoodie.

I pick the shirt up putting it in Shavon face yelling  see this is why I ask. No begged you not to argue back with her.

How long are you going to allow her to do this to you. Your not twelve anymore Noelle. You need to stand up for yourself.

It won't do any good she has them wrapped around her finger. Besides remember thre more months we graduate and I get access to some of my trust fund.

What ever Noelle. Thats even if they let you go. She says Then she plays with the radio and ignore me.

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