Chapter 2

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Adachi continued drinking his beer as he looked upon the brewing spetacle amused all the same. He gently whispered to Bell.

Adachi: "It's been ages since I've seen a proper bar fight..."

Bell: "We need to break them up, Riku is gonna—"

Adachi simply sighed in resignation.

Adachi: "I wouldn't be so worried about Riku, he can take care of himself. I'm more worried about the damages those two will inflict in the bar..."

Bate: " You cocky bastard!!" He yelled while throwing a punch but never landing it, instead the momentum was used to throw him out of the bar.

This shocked everyone in the bar upon seeing Bate getting thrown out the bar. Riku takes off his red cloak and hands it to Syr.

Riku: "Syr can you hold on to this please? Seems I have to discipline a mutt." he hands her his cloak to her as he walks out the tavern

Syr: " Y-yeah." She said while blushing.

Bell: "Syr! Adachi! We can't let this fight go on..."

Adachi: "I bet 30,000 valis that Bate will never land a hit on Riku."

Syr: "Wow. Never thought you would bet against your own Familia like this, Adachi, you really are a black sheep in the Loki Familia."

Adachi: "I've known Riku far longer than the majority of the Loki Familia aside from several members withstanding. I know how he fights, all of his skills without a doubt he'll win this fight. That and Bate needs to learn how to properly analyze opponents and allies alike, he deserves the ass-whooping of the decade."

Syr: "Jeez, you really are something else."

Loki: "Adachi!! I finally found you—" As she went for a running start and hugged him tight.

Adachi: "Dagh! Loki, I wanted to keep a low profile while I hung out with an old friend I haven't seen in a long time."

Loki: "A lot of things go down at Mama Mia's, am I right Adachi? I heard your little bet earlier, I bet 30,000 valis on Bate winning."

Adachi: " won't win this bet."

As a cluster of people began forming outside of the bar. Growls from Bate could be heard, failing to land a single hit. Riku emotionlessly weaved through Bate's reckless barrage of punches and kicks.

Riku: " What's wrong, mutt? Can't keep up. You wanted this fight but look at you."

Bate: "Bullshit you've been dodging me this whole time:"

Riku: " You sure you want me to try, you can't keep up!" He taunted.

Bate went for another barrage, unknown to him. Riku ducked under his line of sight, and blindsided him, with a kick, leaving Bate unconscious hitting the ground with a loud thud.

 Riku ducked under his line of sight, and blindsided him, with a kick, leaving Bate unconscious hitting the ground with a loud thud

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