Chapter 3

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Bell: "Goddess said she'd be back in a few days. I wonder where she could be?"

Riku: "I'm sure she is around somewhere ...Oh?" As he stopped and looked at the Colosseum from afar. Nothing much of note except the purpose.

Bell: "Sooo what are we doing here exactly?"

Riku: "Well we worked on the combat for those three days now and from what I seen, I don't have to worry about your skill backfiring on you now."

Bell: "Then what are we doing on top of this building near our home?"

Riku: "Well since Hestia isn't back yet I was going to train in one more aspect and that is your agility. We're gonna play a game of tag..."

As I simply edged towards the ledge and looked at the cityscape.

Riku: "...And you're it."

I took off running and hopping from rooftop to rooftop.

Riku: "If you can't keep up with me, then there is no way you'll keep up with her." I said then I heard him take off after me.

Bell: "You sonuvabitch!"

As Bell jumped into action, nearly missing his footholds. Screaming at a faraway red-clad knight as he seamlessly jumped from rooftop and vaulted into street alleys, attempting to shake his tail but not going too fast to where Bell would be lost completely.

Riku: "I guess I got him too fired up,but what I said had to be said for him to learn."

???: "Hey you in the red cloak! Nyaa~! Up there Nyaa—AAAH!!"

I stopped and looked down; seeing that I was above the 'Hostess of Fertility' tavern and saw a catgirl that was yelling for my attention. I don't know how long it had been, or how far I ran, but I guess I was just in the moment and I lost focus. I was brought out of my thoughts by Bell screaming my name.

Bell: "You're on top of her, Riku!"

Riku:"Huh-----I'm so sorry!! I didn't mean to fall on you; it was a total accident I swear!!!" As I jumped into action and prostrated myself in front of her

???: Aghh! Don't do that! Nyaa~ that's embarrassing to have you like this Nya!!"

Riku: "But I really am sorry I don't want to be seen as a pervert in an accident!!!"

???:"It's fine nyaa just nyaa please get up!"

???:"Are you causing trouble again Riku?" She said as I looked up to see an elf wearing the same waitress outfit.

Riku:"Ryuu?" I said while getting up to face her.

Ryuu:"What did you do?"

I started explaining to her I was training Bell and I got lost in thought and ended up falling from the roof and landed on the cat girl that I learned her name was Anya. From the look on her face she could tell I wasn't lying to her because she knew I wasn't that type of guy to land on someone just to feel them up.

Ryuu:"Anyways Anya wanted to ask the both of you to look for Syr she left her wallet in a her to go see Monsterfilia."

Riku:"Ahh okay sure we don't mind doing a fetch quest and Anya again I'm really sorry that I  landed on you."

Anya:"It's fine Nya really besides Nya it's not everyday Nya that a cute guy lands on me Nya."

Riku:"Okay then... Bell, you take street level and I'll go top side?"

Bell:" On it." He said as he took off in the crowd and I went back to jumping from rooftop to rooftop in search of Syr.

Adachi's POV

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