Chapter 4

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There was a loud thump downstairs which made me shot up shooting through the house I glared standing at the end of the stairs seeing Klaus, five and Diego.

"What are you doing?" I questioned and the three turned surrounded by a broken vase.

"Shit." Five whispered. I could see the briefcase in his hand. Raising an eyebrow I stepped down the last of the stairs.

"You figured it out." He didn't say anything to defend himself as I stood in front of him. "And you were going to what? Storm the place down demand they stop trying to kill me?"

"I wanted to protect you." Five shouted but I slapped him across the face tears streaming down my face.

"I don't need your protection." Klaus and Diego gave each other looks as my bag came from upstairs. "If we're doing this then I'm coming. This isn't the commission, the moment we're there they'll be onto us." Taking the briefcase from Five he was still slightly shocked by me slapping him.

"What about the....." Diego pointed to my outfit and I remembered I was still wearing my pj's.

"Fuck. I'll be five minutes"


The four of us stood in a circle and I bit my lip breathing in and out calmly.

"So how is this going to work. There's only four of us." Diego said.

"It'll be better in a smaller group. What was your plan?" Five sucked on his inner cheek for a moment as I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Get in blow everything up and get out." Klaus chirped up, nodding his head.

"Already tried that. Whatever I need to work out why they haven't gone out to kill me yet." Extending my hand to Klaus he gladly took it and five grabbed my hand over the top of the briefcase.

We went through a portal and landed on a grassy lawn next to an average house.

"Where are we? This doesn't look like an evil layer?" Letting go of Klaus's hand five dropped his arm and that's when I threw the briefcase and shot it with a solidified mass.

"What the hell (y/n). That was our only way back." Five shouted and I covered his mouth with my hand.

"No, you listen to me. The only thing you'd be doing by coming here without me is getting me into more shit. They will be tracking us now. It'll take longer since the briefcase was destroyed. Any more questions?" Five stopped trying to talk and so I dropped my hand.

"My god they are so similar," Klaus whispered to himself, then Diego perked up.

"Yeah, how are we going to get home?" Rolling my eyes and opening the white fence I walked on through.

"I'll get you one-way watches. They work for one trip to wherever you want. Now try not to scream." Ringing the doorbell a small flap came down and I scanned my watch.

"Welcome to Mobius and we thank you for your continued service." The same sort of portal as the briefcase was in the doorway.

"Right this way." I breathed stepping through the portal and the others followed. Squinting my eyes when the four of us stood in front of a massive mansion with people all walking around. I raised my hood up.

"So what exactly are we doing?" Diego asked and I went behind a car getting something out of my bag.

"Well, first we have to get in. Hold out your arm." Diego frowned at me and I froze him on the spot shutting his eyes when I stabbed something into his wrist.

"Mhdns" he mouth was glued shut.

"These are trackers that allow you to get in and out of the building. They're implanted into your wrist when you join." Next was Klaus and then Five who didn't seem to care.

"We'll need to separate into groups of two. (Y/n) stays with me." Five said and I raised an eyebrow at him. Five-pointed a finger at me. "You're staying with me." Glaring I frowned stopping.

"Fine. We meet on the second floor third room to the right in ten minutes. Klaus Diego go inside in three minutes." Standing up walking with Five we scanned our wrists getting inside. There were holographic posters of my face around. Wanted posters. Well shit. I'm a level ten.

"That's not good is it." Five said and I grabbed his shirt pulling him up the stairs and into the first room. A small unoccupied office.

"No, it's not good. They're going to nook the academy or wherever I am." Threading a hand through my hair I breathed in and out faster starting to freak out.

"Why didn't you let us go?" Five said and I stopped looking over to him.

"This isn't the time." I whispered and he glared at me.

"No this is the best time. I would have been gone and came back right after. You don't have to do everything alone (y/n)." Five tried grabbing my hand but I stepped back. He looked hurt by my action.

"So I'm just the damsel in distress now am I? Waiting around for you to come save me? I'm not a delicate flower five." I didn't know but my voice was raising. Five pulled me against the wall covering my mouth as we both heard two people walk past the wall.

"You're not delicate. I know that. You're smart and survived your whole life without me. But I can't just sit around knowing people are out to get you alright. So I had to do something." He whispered into my ear making my breathing calm down slightly. Five dropped his hand when knowing I'd stop shouting leaning forward I kissed him softly, five smiled against my lips bringing me in closer.

"Sorry for slapping you before." I breathed out and five pulled me in for another kiss. The door swung open and shut quickly.

"I think we lost them." Diego panted and Five and I pulled apart.

"We were running for our lives and here are you two making out."

Out of time Book 2 |Five Hargreeves x reader|Where stories live. Discover now