Chapter 7

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The only way to keep everyone safe was to leave. Not to a new time. When the clones can't find me they'll go after the others so I had to stay in this time.
The moment I left the mansion I knew people were watching me. They'll stop at nothing to get to me so sneaking away isn't an option. Best just get away from the city. Floating in the air I just flew off. Not caring where I went. The screech of a car went after me. Good, need to getaway.

Before I knew it I was back at my childhood home. Of course, this is where I go on autopilot.

"Time to say goodbye then." Raising my hand I tore down the shield. The car wasn't far from me so I decided to begin. Walking right through the front door I saw the ripped apart wall that five did when we left the first time. Going to the kitchen I turned on the stove, all four sections of it and used my ability to levitate a flour packet in the air. All I had to do was wait. Not even five minutes pass when the car pulled up and the front door of the house slammed open. Ripping the flour bag open and spreading the floor near the stove the bottom section of the house exploded. A wave of heat moved around me as I stared blankly at the house. It would be best for me if I left now, not seeing there faces will help. I planned on taking the car but as I went to move away two figures came out of the house. They're fine but the heat should have... 

"Target required." Gulping as my cloned parents came walking out of the fire, there clothes burning. It was like they didn't register pain. As I stood there letting out a shaky breath making an archery stance. 

"I'm sorry." Shutting my eyes I shot dead on the target. My dad and then mum. Even though knowing who they were it still hurt. A small part of me believed it really was them but they died that night so long ago, it's not them. As I went to leave something happened, the flames froze, the trees stopped moving against the heat and the two bodies were yet to be shot.

"Never thought you'd shoot you're cloned parents." It was Drake, the Scientist that worked with my father. Quickly raising my solidified mass at him both his hands raised. "I'm not here to fight."

"How are you doing this!?" He took slow steps towards me and in return, I stepped back. He sighed.

"A little trick we took from the commission. Of course, I made it better in some ways but I won't disclose that to you." His face was illuminated by the golden fire. "I've come here to give you a truce." Lowering the arrow slightly he smiled making me raise my hands quickly once more. "You can go living out your wonderful new life with those idiots that call themselves heroes if you give me the file." Staring at him my eyebrows knitted together.

"What file?" The man laughed shaking his head. What game is he playing?

"Lying isn't going to get you anywhere. Why do you think we've been trying to kill you all these years? I know your father gave it to you before he was killed." A file? Dad never talked about work nor did I know anything about it until they died. I wasn't even aware Mum was apart of this to until yesterday.

"Drake I don't know anything about a file. If you know anything it's my father didn't like sharing his past. That included me." His smile turned into a glare and when I tried shooting him it went straight through him. A hologram.

"I told you I made it better. You have 48 hours to decide or I'll kill both you and the little group blindly following you." The explosion continued.

"This has nothing to do with them. DRAKE!" I shouted hearing my arrows hit their targets. They sliced through the clones. I didn't dare to look. 48 hours to find a file to save them. How am I going to do that with the one place that could have clues is on fire?

"(Y/n)!" Five? How did he get here? Or where to find me. Running around the side of the house smoke surrounded my shield.

"Five no, the house is going to come down." Luther grabbed onto Five who just teleported out of his grasp.

"(Y/n)!" There was a crackling sound and my eyes went wide. Running over before Five could go into the blazing fire I grabbed his wrist pulling him away.

"You idiot." I breathed making the shield wider, Allison and Luther were the only ones here with him. "The others?" I asked as the house exploded staring unblinking at the house I grew up in crumbled into ashes.

"They uh went to check the abandoned building we hid in." Luther barely managed to speak.

"How did the explosion happen?" Allison asked as I put out the fire by removing the oxygen around the house.

"Flour explosion. I used the stove." The two gave each other a glance.

"A word (y/n)." Five took hold of my forearm teleporting us further away from the other two. "What kind of game are you playing? I thought we were working together on this." Five hissed his temper growing the longer we stood away from the others.

"Working together would have gotten you killed. I'm there target it's best I do this alone. Like I've always done." Five shook his head threading a hand through his hair in frustration.

"No, you stay with me. All you've managed to do right now is piss them off."

"No actually I found out why they've been after me all this time so if you'll excuse me I'll be looking for a file now." Five grabbed hold of my wrist before I could turn the dial on my watch.

"What are you talking about?"

"I have 48 hours five I'll be back if not then I'm dead." Five let out a harsh laugh at that gripping my wrist tighter.

"And you expect me to just let you leave?"

"Yes, five because I'm the only one who can time travel right now so let me go." Five smirked getting out a watch. Not just any watch nor a one time travel but a full one. It's almost impossible to get one of them not already attached to another person already. "How did you?" Five moved the watch onto his wrist with a smug look on his face showing off his dimple.

"I had a spare few moments while Diego was distracting the guard. Now I'm coming with you whether you like it or not." Sighing in defeat I synced up out watches. We both clicked and disappeared from the ash-covered scene.

"Do you have any idea what just happened?" Luther asked Allison staring at the spot five and I were just a second ago.

"No clue."

Out of time Book 2 |Five Hargreeves x reader|Where stories live. Discover now