Interrupted Routine

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    Mia groaned and covered her eyes as rays of sunlight filtered through her small rounded windows. She glanced at her alarm clock eliciting another rumble from her parched throat. Since leaving her pack behind she has lost sleep to nightmares plaguing her every time she closed her eyes.

   Grumbling to herself , she swung her legs over the side of the bed. Gingerly she stood up and headed toward her tiny bathroom. She turned on the water in her shower to get it warmed up and then looked at herself in the mirror. Dark smudges marred under her eyes showering her lack of sleep. Sighing, she turned back to the shower, testing the water temperature, deciding that it was as good as it was going to get. She stripped off her pajamas  and stepped under the steady stream.

   She stood under the stream of warm water letting it soak into her tired muscles silently wondering why she thought being on her own was a good idea. Images of her childhood flipped through her mind in rapid succession. It wasn't a bad childhood by far. Her mother had loved her growing up, giving her lessons in anything her heart had desired. Her mother hadn't cared that as the leader's only heir she was destined to lead her pack when her father cycled out of the leadership and into the elder circle.

   In the end, with all of her leadership training, she decided she hadn't wanted to be in that role now or ever. Which brings her right back to her current life problem. Rafael had found her to bring her back to the pack she left to start her new life. She refused to leave the life she had built for herself over the last 4 years. Every morning at 6:00 AM he would come knocking, ranting at her with the same argument about why she should accept her responsibility and return to the pack. Most mornings she ignored his knocking and continued her morning routine until it was time to go to work.

   Getting out of the shower, she peaked out the door to her alarm. She ran a hand through her wet hair in frustration at the realization that the knocking would begin soon and she'd have to put her ear buds in yet again. She quickly dried off and then wrapped the towel around her thick chestnut hair. She silently padded to her dresser and grabbed a faded pair of blue jeans then a pair of crimson panties with matching lace bra from another drawer. She opened her closet and peered at the shirts she had to choose from. She picked out a soft red sweater that bared her shoulders and had lace backing running down her spine. She slipped into her outfit before slipping into a black pair of comfortable flats. Heading back into the bathroom she peered at herself in the mirror noting that the dark smudges under her eyes were less pronounced now that she had refreshed herself. She set to work wrangling her thick hair into a french braid that she often used when she was going to work. She looked at the signature red streak laced through her braid and began to think of her father. Elijah Thomas was a hard man to live with but his love was fierce. His red streak was not as noticeable with his hair cut short yet no mistaking her heritage with matching streaks.

   As she thought lovingly of her father, the tell tale knocking and the deep rumble of a man's voice drifted to her as it did every morning for the last 2 weeks. Rafael was being a real nuisance to her routine. Why couldn't he take the hint and go back to the pack without her? There was something he wasn't sharing with her and she just could not figure out what it could possibly be. Is it the reason he just wouldn't give up? She certainly wasn't planning on asking him any time soon that was for sure.

This is my first story that I am publishing for people to read. If you think I did good I will continue to post new chapters for it. Thank you in advance!

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