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   Rafael growled in frustration as Mia brushed by him again just as she had done every morning since his arrival at her front door 2 weeks previously. He narrowed his eyes at her as she walked down the hallway, her hips swaying with every step. She was wearing a pair of faded jeans that hugged her curves like a loving embrace. The red shirt showed soft ivory skin with a zipped hoodie over top of it. He bit down a sudden curse as his body began to react with molten lava running through his veins, burning everything in its path. He groaned internally as he wrangled himself back under control.

   He followed her down the street like every morning for the last 2 weeks, not bothering to talk as she had her ear buds in again so she couldn't hear him talking anyway even if he was so inclined to waste his breath trying. He used the silence of their short walk to think about how to tell her the other reason he was the one who came to get her instead of one of the enforcers. How was he suppose to tell her that a decade previously she had been promised to someone without her knowledge and it was now time to fulfill that promise? She was bound to rip his throat out when she found out about it. Wasn't there something somewhere about not shooting the messenger? It would probably be his manly bits in the grinder if she found out that he was the one who approached her father himself.

   He never understood the bond between mates until he couldn't get her out of his mind. Her scent, the way her chestnut hair shimmered in the sunlight or even the way her laugh lit up any room she happened to be in. He had thought he was losing his mind and going to end up going rogue. He had initially approached the alpha because he did not want to end up like that and getting taken out as a rogue. After he had laid everything out for Elijah, he was startled when a deep rumble of a laugh worked its way out of his throat. It was several minutes before he was calmed enough to speak and explain to him what was really going on with his mind.

   "You're not losing your sanity son, you're bonded to my baby girl. The universe is a funny thing and when it comes time for you to claim her, I pray you have the strength in you to keep at it until she comes to terms with what you have to tell her. She has a wild independent streak like her mother so you will need luck on your side. For now keep on living, soon she will want to try to live independently and it will be up to you to bring her home once she does. My advice to you is don't lie or soften the truth or she will never forgive you for it."

   He waved him away and they had never spoke of it again. Now it was time for her to take over as Alpha, her father's words ringing in his ears.

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