Me too

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Jimin was inside his room since he arrived..... He was waiting for Ara to come

On the other side Jungkook was wondering why Jimin was so fiesty.....It was 7 pm and Jimin was still inside his room...

Jungkook decided he would go and See if Jimin is hungry so that they can order take out

Jungkook took a long breathe that eventually turned into a sigh And knocked

Soon Jimin yelled from other side..... "COME IN ASSHAT"

Jungkook as per yelled..... went in to see something that made his pants tight enough

Jimin was wearing sweatpants with no t-shirt and was bended to put his accessories in the bed drawers

"J-Jimi...." Jungkook was so focused that he can't utter words..... His pants tightening second after second

"I told you not to stutter.... I hate it...State your business and leave" Jimin was stern and didn't even care

Jungkook was speechless and the room filled with silence.... Jimin suddenly stood up and turned around to see red aroused Jungkook biting his lips

"So you were enjoying sceneries here.... And ohh effects are what to say.....solid? Hard?" Jimin asked as he looked at Jungkook's lower torso

Jungkook was totally flushed.... Understatement.... he was redder than beetroom..... his dick twitching...and to his dismay Jimin smirking


" I-It is a regular p-problem of mine...."

"Stop stop i know Why THAT happens so... chill man.... It's common when you are a pervert" Jimin mocked but Jungkook was nodding

Now his eyes were fixed on Jimin's upper torso......His body so pale....that Jungkook doubted if Jimin have ever seen the sun

Jimin noticed everything and sneakily holding a slipper at his back...

Jimin seductively walked towards Jungkook swaying his hips.... Jungkook was in such pain that he couldn't think straight

When Jimin reached Jungkook......!!!!!Thap!!!! Now The slipper was on Jungkook chest

"Ahhhhhhhhh...WHAT THE FUCK!!! AHHHH....." Jimin kept slapping him in his chest with the slipper until Jungkook started moving back

"Ahh... ah.... ah I was.. ah coming... to ask you... ah.. if... you wanted... to... ah... eat... ah.... I.... am ordering.... take... ah... out" Jungkook somehow said moving back reaching the other side of the door...

He was taken aback by the slamming of door on his face.......

"Fuck...this guy......" "FRIED CHICKEN GLAZED WITH SWEET GARLIC SOY SAUCE AND BULGOGI BARBECUE GRILLED BEEF WITH COLA" Jimin cut him off yelling and reading out his choices

"YOU ARE CRAZY BITCH" Jungkook yelled back as he proceeded to his room to get his phone and fix his problem

After the food arrived.....Jimin came out and took his food and back to his room....Jungkook was confused now....why is Jimin so rude and all....but left the thought anyway when his phone rang was Ara

On the phone

"Hey....I will be staying with Jisoo these days"

"What do you mean Noona?"

"We have duo assignments and we need time to finish it so I will stay a week here"


"Take care of Jimin"

"How did you know?"

"Jimin called me and I asked Mom too"


"I am ya"

End of call

As he put his phone aside to eat....

That's why he isn't coming down

The next day

Jimin still didn't came down and Jungkook just woke up and was getting ready for University.........

"What the fuck is he doing there.....will he even come down or he will jump off the window to go for his classes" Jungkook mumbled as he was done

He's probably sleeping

"I will just leave him let's see" He went for classes without Jimin....or that's what he thought he did

Jungkook entered the campus on to get the ultimate shock.....Jimin

"WHEN DID YOU CAME?" Jungkook yelled as he goy near Jimin who was sitting in the cafeteria....

"Shut up dickhead....I am trying to eat" He suddenly remembered about his dare and started executing his plans

"You didn't answer......"

"Do I care? No....." Jimin answers right away

"And stop it I know..... You dared to date me..... This isn't any movie or fiction that you complete your dare and fall in love and all..Grow up" With that Jimin stood up and was leaving for his classes when Jungkook held his hand
"Don't worry love I will make you fall for me"

"Me too" That's it..... Jungkook was dumbfounded he didn't knew what did Jimin mean but one thing.... Jimin was smirking

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