Unexpected Lovers - Spy AU | Part Two

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As Sophie snuck down the dark hallway, she looked around carefully for any possible Neverseen members. There was information that the son of Lady Gisela would show up to steal the ancient scroll, and Sophie's mission was to find and capture him. He was the key to all of Gisela's plans. 

Suddenly, a small movement caught her eye. She immediately recognized it as the shadow of a human. Sophie went down to the end of the hallway and hid behind the stand which kept the ancient scroll that Lady Gisela's son was after.

As the footsteps came closer, Sophie got ready to capture him. And when the hand reached out to steal the scroll, she attacked.


Keefe was determined to not let anyone know that he was wavering towards the thought of escaping the Neverseen. That he hated this torturous life that he was forced to live. All he wanted to do was escape. It would be easy- simple- if no one knew. 

So Keefe had a plan.

There were rumours that the Black Swan's top agent, who had been destined to be part of the Black Swan since she was born, was at the site where Keefe was supposed to steal- to capture him.

His plan was to let her capture him. Keefe was then going to escape from the Black Swan and live a normal, incognito life. Maybe go to high school, college probably. He could live in an actual home, find a girlfriend, get married, just like his dream always was.

And as Keefe had expected, when he reached out to "steal" the scroll, someone attacked him.

Keefe hit the ground and the agent who had tackled him handcuffed him and dragged him out of the museum, with a surprising amount of skill and technique.

Soon enough, Keefe blacked out.


The mission was a success! Sophie had bagged Lady Gisela's son and drugged him with a tranquilizer gun, then threw him in the car and drove back to the Black Swan's headquarters, a smile on her face.

Biana and Fitz were there to greet her. They took the boy and told Sophie to go rest. She smiled at them gratefully and collapsed on her bed. 

---time skip to 3 am---

Sophie's eyes popped open as she heard a creaking noise just outside her door. She jumped out of bed, suspicious, made the bed, and slipped on some slippers.

She slowly opened the door, and was faced by the one and only son of Lady Gisela!

"You!" Sophie exclaimed.

"Shhhhh," the boy covered Sophie's mouth, then looked at her, a bit confused. "And who are you?"

"Me!? I'm- ohhhh ..." Sophie licked her lips, remembering that she was wearing a mask when she captured him. 


"I'm the person who captured you," Sophie took a closer look at him after saying her identity.

Perfectly styled blonde hair, a splatter of freckles just along the bridge of his nose, about 6'2''- which was way taller than Sophie's 5'6''. But his eyes. They were a gorgeous ice blue color, with so many secrets, so much pain.

"You're staring," The boy smirked.

"What's your name, anyway? I'm tired of just calling you 'the boy'," Sophie asked him, ignoring his previous statement.

"Keefe," the boy said. "Yours?"

"I don't think I can tell you. But-" Sophie cut herself off. WHY WAS SHE TALKING TO HIM!?? "You are coming with me!"

Sophie grabbed his arm and was stomping back to his cell, when Keefe tugged on it. 

"Please. Please, let me go," 


As Keefe walked by another door, he was careful not to make any noise. But, unfortunately, the floor creaked.

Soon enough, a girl wearing shorts and a loose t-shirt popped out of the door, a look of suspicion on her face. 

"You!" She exclaimed.

The girl was about to go on, but Keefe covered her mouth and shushed her.

"Who are you?"

The girl looked at Keefe in fury, "Me!? I'm- ohhh..." She licked her lips in memory.


"I'm the person who captured you," Keefe looked at her in surprise. He didn't expect the Black Swan's top agent to be so ... young.

Keefe looked at her a little closer. She had thick, wavy golden-blonde hair, creamy skin, and she was quite short. But her eyes. They were a chocolate brown, so warm, so inviting, more beautiful eyes than he had even seen. They were splattered with golden flecks and Keefe felt himself falling into the depths of them.

Nope, nope. Shut up, Keefe, Keefe internally slapped himself. He noticed that the girl was also looking at him.

"You're staring," Keefe said, plastering his signature smirk on his face.

"What's your name, anyway? I'm tired of just calling you 'the boy'," The girl said, noticeably ignoring what Keefe had just said.

"Keefe," He explained. "Yours?"

"I don't think I can tell you. But-" The girl cut herself off in realization. Her demeanor changed in the course of a few seconds, a fierce, angry look settling on her face. "You are coming with me!"

She dragged him down to where his cell was, but Keefe tugged on her arm, desperate. He needed to escape.

"Please. Please, let me go,"

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