chapter 1: nightmares

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Catra's pov

"NO!" i screamed as i suddenly woke up from a terrible nightmare. I looked around the strange room and then i remeber, i'm in bright moon. Only seconds later someone barges into my room. "Are you okay?!" A familiar voice said. I looked up to answer but before i can get a single word out of my mouth something jumps on top of me, it's Melog. I groan at the sudden weight on my body. "I'm fine Adora" i say. "You sure about that? Melog says otherwise" the blonde girl says. I look over to Melog and ofcourse he looks nervous and frightened just like i feel, thanks alot. "What happened?" Adora asks. "Nothing just a dream" "well your screams didn't sound like nothing Catra, you know you can tell me anything right?" Damn you Adora can't you just stop worrying for once i  your life? "It's nothing i'm fine i promise" i reply. "Yeah i don't believe you but i know you won't tell me now but i'll get it out of you later i can promise you that". I chuckle at her confidence "goodluck trying blondie".
"well if you're okay then i'm going back to bed, i'm exhausted" Adora says while yawning. "Yeah yeah, just go already sleepyhead i don't wanna have to carry you to your room" i chuckle. Adora rolls her eyes "goodnight Catra" "goodnight Adora". I sigh as she leaves the room, wait why am i sighing? Why do i feel dissapointed? I try to go back to sleep but something's keeping me awake, what it is, i have no idea.

Heyy so this is the first chapter, i defo want to continue writing this, ideas and tips are welcome and pls let me know what you think of this❤ - chloe

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