nerdy luke hemmings

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There he was sitting at the back of the class with his glasses and slick back hair and I couldn't help but notice him every time I walk into history class.

I took my seat next to him and gave him a warm smile and he shifted in his seat looking around to see if I was smiling at him, I just laughed to myself and got my jotter and pen out and lay it on the desk.

During the whole lesson Luke was concentrating on what the teacher was saying, while I wasn't paying that much attention I drew on my jotter instead. He pulled his eyes off the board to look at my drawing and then at me and I smiled at him and whispered

"Hi" He doesn't normally answer me or if he does he'll be awkward about it but I guess that's one of the reasons I like him.

"Hi" he whispered really quietly looking down at his jotter and scribbling a word out that he must have spelt wrong.

There was 10 minutes to the bell and the teacher stopped us writing

"Okay everyone you're going to be doing an assignment but you will have partners" everyone looked at someone to work with but I just continued writing out the notes I should have written 5 minutes ago.

"But I will be picking partners" the teacher said and everyone huffed. She went threw a lot of people until she said my name.

"You will be working with Luke" I looked at him and he blushed. The teacher let us talk for a little bit after she had announced who every one was with

"So am I coming to yours or are you coming to mine tonight" I said looking at hi, he turned his head to look at me.

"Well no ones at my house, so we could go to mine" Luke said looking at me pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose and blushed.

"Okay... Wait give me your phone and I'll put my number in and you can text me your address" he gave me his phone and I typed my number and gave his phone back as the bell went.

~at home~

I really want to look good tonight there's just something about his glasses and the way he blushes he just give me butterflies and makes my heart jump but I can't help myself think about what he would be like in bed if he was rough or passionate. My phone made a noise saying that I had a text from Luke telling me his address, he only lived like 10 minutes away so I just walked.

~Luke's house~

I knocked on the door and waited for my little geek well he's not mine but I can pretend. He answered the door and let me in.

He walked up the stairs with me behind him and he showed me into his room and it wasn't what o was expecting he had quite a few band posters and loads of cd's and of course a lot of books.

I looked around and then seen he was sat with all the notes we had to do the project in front of him and he was just looking at me. I sat quite closely beside him.

"So what are we going to do it on" I asked putting the pen in my mouth. He looked at my mouth and breathed out.

"I think we should do it on the childr..."

"Is that your family?" I asked completely cutting him off.

"Yeah that's my 2 brothers and mum and dad" he said smiling slightly he must be really close to his family.

"Awe you're cute" I said and he turned his head to look at me his eyes wide and his mouth open slightly.

"Have you ever had a girlfriend luke?" I asked pushing his mouth closed.

"No, no one wants to date the geek" he said looking down, he looked really hurt and I felt really bad.

"Hey don't say that I know someone that would be happy to be with you" I said smiling he looked up with his amazing blue eyes looking into mine. I got closer to him and put my hand on his cheek and he blushed and his breathing picked up and it was super cute. I decided to just do it and kiss him so I did. I was kissing Luke Hemmings.

After a minute or so he made it more passionate and pushed his tongue through and I gasped and he pulled back.

"Oh my god did I hurt you"he said with worry in his darker than usual eyes.

"I'm positive it's just I didn't expect it" I said infactuated with him, I really did like this boy. He looked back at my lips and I attacked his mouth with mine and pushed him back. I could feel his boner through his jeans I touched it and he stopped and sat up.

"What's wrong" I said sitting at the other side of his bed.

"I'm a virgin" he whispered looking anywhere apart from at me.

"What?" I said not hearing what he said.

"I'm a virgin" he said a little bit louder and he looked up to see my expression. I just moved to go and sit beside him and grabbed his hand. He smiled his amazing smile.

"Well I don't care"

"Yeah but I'm not going to be good and you'll be annoyed" he said quietly again, he seemed really upset so I just kissed his cheek and whispered

"You won't be bad trust me and even if you are I like you so you make up for it anyway and I'll help you" His mouth dropped and I kissed his cheek again and pushed him down and grabbed his dick and he grunted.

"Oh wow (Y/N)"

We removed all of our clothes and he lay me down and skimmed his eyes over my naked body laying underneath him.

"Okay I'm scared now" he said to himself but I heard him. I grabbed his hands as he had his legs in between mine.

"Don't be" I said squeezing his hands and he leaned down and kissed me and I opened my mouth for his tongue. We kissed for a few minutes him getting harder and I got even wetter than I already was and I didn't think that was possible. I touched his dick while he touched my wet core. We both moaned needing each other so badly.

"Are you ready?" I asked him and he shrugged.

"Come on you can do this baby" I said his confidence boosting with my little nickname for him.

"Okay are you ready?" He asked and I just nodded quickly.

He pushed in and grunted and I moaned at his size. I had never had someone as big as this. He was going really slowly looking into my eyes and it seemed that all his embarrassment and awkwardness had went away. I leaned up to kiss him while he started to move a little faster and he hit the right place and I moaned really loudly.

"Oh my god are you okay" he said stopping and pulling out and looking into my eyes before he cuddled me.

"Yeah it feels good that's why I moaned, now keep going I'm close" he pushed back in and went faster than he was going before.

I moaned his name over and over and he moaned mine. He was covered in sweat and so was I.

"Ughhhhhhh (Y/N) I'm so close"

"Yeah me too" I could barley say because I was so out of breath.

His moans picked up and he whispered into my ear

"Ugh beautiful I'm .... I'm gonna cum"

"On 3"

"1....2....3" and we both let go and came all over each other and he lay on my chest with our hands together.

It took a few minutes to get our breath back and then he lifted his head up and said

"Thank you"

"What for" I said laughing a little.

"For this any other girl would never have acted like that"

"Yeah well you're a nice guy Luke"

"Do you know what you said earlier about you liking me" I nodded.

"Well I've kinda liked you for years it's just I was to scared to say anything and when we got sat together in history I was so happy" he said smiling his blue eyes sparkling.

"Well I guess I like you as well" I said laughing a little.

"You don't have to be cause.."


"Okay will you be my girlfriend" I cuddled him and kissed him for like the 100th time that night

"Of course I would Luke" I said and he put his head back onto my chest and we fell asleep with smiles on our face.

a/n I wrote this so long ago 🙈 hope you like it

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2015 ⏰

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