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"I'm sorry were you talking to me?"

"Uh... no?"

"Well then, please start"

I looked at him confused then walked away ignoring him, he followed me all the way to my locker after I got my stuff out of my locker, I faced him
"Can I help you?"

"You could"
He said then winked at me

I rolled my eyes and walked away ignoring him again, I walked towards the cafeteria and got in line, and he continued to follow me, after I got my food I went to my table of friends, and he sat beside me, I looked at him and said
"Why are you following me?"

He shrugged and smiled
"I don't know honestly, I just feel like it"

I shook my head and continued eating my food
"Are you guys doing anything tomorrow?"

My friends looked at me
"I'm going somewhere with mom" "I'm going to the dentist" "we're going to my grandma's place"

I frowned then continued eating my food
"Oh... okay"

"I'm totally available"

"I'm not"

"Then why'd you ask?"

"Because I just wanted to know"


After eating the bell rang and I went back to the classroom. After class I was walking to my locker when I saw him leaning against it
"Can you please move?"

"Sure doll if you give me a kiss"
He then puckered his lips

I pushed him out of the way and put my stuff inside, I started walking towards the exit of the school

"Hey! Wait!"

I turned around and saw him walking towards me

"You wanna watch a movie with me?"



"Don't you have anyone else to bother other than me?"

"I don't mean to bother you I just want you as my company"

I looked at him confused

"I don't know I just saw you and I thought you were pretty"

"And because of that you think you can just follow me, come up to me, and talk to me like we're best friends?"

He looked down shyly
"Sorry, I just thought you were approachable and like I said you look pretty"

I sighed
"I'm not in the mood to watch a movie"

He frowned
"Well what would you like to do?"

"Honestly I wanna sleep"

He frowned even deeper

I looked at him and sighed again
"Maybe we could watch a movie tomorrow?"

He instantly smiled
"That sounds great"

I then nodded
"Cool, I'll see you tomorrow?"

"See you tomorrow"

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