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Picture this:

It's 12:00, midnight

you can't sleep,
your alone,
you feel lonely,

You wish there was something
or someone... to comfort you,
But there's nothing, there's no one

So instead
you go to your music
You pick a song or make a
playlist of you favorite songs
and you dance or sing or both

Your alone
with no one with you
and nobody watching

You feel free
even if it's just a moment
you feel happy
your at peace

while you dance
tears fill your eyes
they slide down your face
as you continue doing what your doing
your voice breaks
you start sobbing

You stop what your doing
and you just stand there
you feel tired so you sit down
on the cold floor
as you listen to the music

You think
you think of the reason
or reasons why your crying

maybe it's because you miss someone 
or some people
maybe it's because of the music
maybe it's because of something that happened to you today
or what happened yesterday
or just something that happened in the past
or maybe your scared because of tomorrow

So then you think:
You can't change the past
You can't predict the future
So just enjoy the present

And with that you continue dancing

The end

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