Shining jersey

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"Look he's coming over"

I looked over my shoulder and saw the dude my best friend was crushing on

"The one with the leather jacket"


"Yes, he's so hot"


"He has this whole bad boy vibe that's just soo attractive"

I looked at her as she stared at him
"Is that what you girls think is "hot" nowadays?"

"I guess hehe"

I rolled my eyes
"I thought you guys usually go for those goody-to-shoes kinda guys, you know the knights in shining armor"

"There aren't any of those guys anymore"

"I could be your knight in a shiny jersey "
I said to her and winked

"Well tough luck buddy, I don't want a knight in a shining jersey, I'd rather have a villain in a leather jacket"

*bell ringz*

"Come on let's get to class"

"Okie dokie"

Time skip ~~schools over~~

"Wanna go to the arcade later?"

"Umm well actually..."


"I have a date..."

"What?? With who??"

"With him"

"Who's "him"??"

"You know, the guy in the leather jacket"

The villain.

"Seriously?? How'd you get a date with that prick??"

"He came up to me and asked me out. And of course I said yes" she looked so happy as she said that, so happy... it hurt.

"Oh okay"

"Yeah so I gotta go home and get ready"

"Okay see ya tomorrow"

"Bye bye"

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