Chapter 30 - Aftermath

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I only own the character I going to write. Rest belongs to the right full owners

It's been 3 weeks since Thanos left earth.

3 weeks since he snapped.

Y/N sighed, tossing and turning around on her bed, trying her best to fall asleep but every time she manages to close her eyes, she sees their horrified faces. Slowly evaporating to dust.

"Can't sleep?" Y/N turned around, facing the door where Steve stood.
Y/N sadly shook her head.

Steve walked up to her and laid himself down on the bed beside her, taking her in his arms.

"Every time I close my eyes, they appear before me and fade away. I relive that moment over and over again, I face the fact that there someone I couldn't save"

"You can't save everyone, Y/N. I know the guilt you feel but thats how it is, but know that you tried your best" Steve said and kissed her forehead.

"I'd give my life even if it would mean to save theirs"

"I know, Y/N, I know" Steve stroked her hair, to calm her down. There wasn't much to say so he just held her close.

Y/N listened to his steady heartbeat and felt his chest rise with each breath. Steady. Constant. Something she loved about him.

Y/N could feel her eyes slowly closing, she could feel the tiredness she longed for, consume her.

"I see them too" Y/N heard Steve say. "One by one they disintegrate at my touch. I see you fall into my arms and give me a look that I will never forget before you turn to dust. I can't get through the night without waking up in a cold sweat, but when I see you laying beside me, I feel relieved"

Y/N looked him in the eyes as she traced her hand across his cheek. His beard tickling her hand. "I won't disappear."

Steve gave her a small smile, grabbed her wrist and kissed her palm. Making her smile as well.

"I want to sleep now" Y/N chuckled, digging her face into his chest.

Steve kissed her head, before lowering his own so it rested against hers.

"I love you, Steve"

"I love you too, Y/N"

They got the first peaceful, uninterrupted six hours of sleep they'd had on weeks.

_ _ _ _ _

Steve rinsed off his razor, tapping it a few times before placing it beside the sink. Grabbing a face towel, he wiped off the excess shaving cream whilst inspecting his fave for any facial hair he missed.

Y/N walked into the bathroom, yawning.

"Morning, Steve" Y/N grabbed a toothbrush from the cup, which was placed bsode the faucet.

"Morning" Steve placed the towel down, he leaned on the basin before glancing up at himself at a second mirror that was mounted on the wall and was able to be pulled out. The mirror suddenly began to shake slightly, his brows furrowed.

"What was that?" Y/N asked, looking towards the ceiling while a low rumble fill their ears.

_ _ _ _ _

Theavengers, what was left of them, that lived in the facility ran out into the night, watching above as ginormous soared down, guided by something shining. Pepper's breath hitched as she watched a woman help land the Benatar.

The ship's landing strip slowly lowered, and two bodies slowly shuffled out. A woman with blue skin helped a man out of the ship.

Y/N squinted her eyes, trying to get a good look at the man, when she realised who it was her eyes widened.

So far yet so near (Thor x Older sister x Loki) Where stories live. Discover now