Chapter 2

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"Finally! I'm home", i say to myself as I scroll through social media on my phone before I get out of my car. After a full five minutes I decided to grab my bag and walk up to my house door.

As I'm about to turn the key I here something odd, but I shrug it off as I open the door.

"Sam, your such a flirt". I hear suddenly.




There is no way that was my moms voice and Sam is my dad. This is weird, is mom home? Wait wait, maybe I'm just hallucinating. I take the key out and open the door completely only to see something unimaginable.

I pinch my self a couple of times to see if this is real and It is. I look over at the living room to see an unknown women on top of my dad, but he doesn't notice I'm here. Did he forget when I get home from school?

I slowly back away realizing what's happening and i remember that my mom is working over time today.
How could this happen? Was mom not good enough? If anything why would he be cheating anyways. This is weird, it's unrealistic. I have a good put together loving family right? This morning I did right?

I finally break and run to my car as a tears started to run down my face, I can't erase the image from my mind. I was going to confront them but I just couldn't, he can't know I saw.

I have to tell mom.

I quickly grab my phone from my bag and call my mom with tears blurring my sight, I'm clueless I really am. How could this happen? In our own house. This is impossible this can't be.

"Your call has been forwarded to an automated-" . Shit. What do i do I need my mom.

Wait maybe I can call Kayla ask her what to do, the party isn't until later.
I silently sit there nervously as the phone rings until I hear her voice.

"Hey Hazzy, what's up? Miss me so soon". She said but her mood suddenly changed when she heard me crying.

"Shit, which fucker do I need to punch today? What's wrong Hazzy?"she says in a worried tone while I force myself to get the words out.
"M-my, my dad h-he", I couldn't stop the tears from coming but luckily I called my best friend.

"Okay Hazzy, take a deep breath in and out. Tell me what your dad did".

"He's with another girl, he was to caught up to even see me when I came in, so I-I ran I just ran Kayla!"

"What!, okay Hazel your alright where's your mom?"she asks and even though I couldn't see her I knew she had the biggest look of worry on her face.

"She won't pick up", I say letting everything pour down. Still in shock from the situation.
"Okay, Hazel you know where your mom works right?".
"Yes, that's right sh-should I go to her".
"Yes, but Hazel if you need me to take you then I could, seeing as your in this condition I don't think you should go alone". I slightly smile through my tears knowing that I have someone to help me.

I quickly turn my key and start the engine then head off to Kaylas house.

I reach the destination and quickly grab my stuff and run out the car into hers as I try to call my mom.
"Any luck?"she asks
"Nope she won't answer, and sorry Kayla this is all my fault you might miss the party because of me", I say as the tears come out again.

"Hey, your totally worth skipping a stupid frat party for", she starts the engine and smiles at me.

"Kayla?" I say as I look out the window while she starts driving and I again try to dry my tears.

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