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Synopsis: When Anthony Winters's friend dares him to spend the night in the creepy haunted castle that is known to be haunted. Michael accepts the bet, only, once inside, what he finds is much more horrible than he ever could've imagined. Told through journal entries, as he becomes lost inside of the seeming labyrinth-like castle, Will he be able to find his way out?

*Content Warning: Gore, Curse words 

(Note: Haven't gone back and edited this much since a couple years ago, so the content may not be SUPER updated, but the story is still one killer of a story, UPDATE: just reread through parts of it, not too bad, hope y'all enjoy!)

Journal entry 1

October 16,

This is Anthony Winter writing this in case I am never found. I have been lost for, who knows how long in this wretched place. Let me be kind and tell you first how I was cast into this God-forsaken place. Well, it began when my friend Michael Taverse had brought up the matter of the mansion. Me and a couple of my friends were telling scary stories and myths around a bonfire we had put together in the backyard, when the subject had come up, that blasted thing! Michael had began to tell what I thought to be a fake story at first, but as he continued with it, it began to seem more and more believable. And then at the end he informed us that it was real.

Later that week Michael, a couple of our friends and I were walking around when we came upon the mansion. 

The story that Michael had told was now really starting to get to me. The creepy surroundings helped it, no doubt. The sky was turning black from what had been just a normal overcast day. It was almost as if some omnipotent force had set up the change in weather perfectly for our arrival. That's when Michael had said it, he had dared me to go into the mansion for the whole night without coming out. My good friend Tom, had tried to defend me, but Michael pushed him aside. Like the Dumb shit that I am, I accepted the dare, taking it as a challenge. I look back on it now and REALLY wished I had not.

The old mansion had been deserted now for about fifty years or so. The people, who used to own it had disappeared mysteriously and nobody had been able to find them. Their family's name was the Franklins. The Franklins had owned this mansion for many hundreds and hundreds of years. The mansion had been built long before anyone, who lived now, knew. Since the family had been pronounced dead, and no activity had been evident in or around the mansion recently, I figured I would not have to worry about any one getting mad at me for being there.

I think I would have liked it if somebody had still lived there to keep me company or throw me out, so that I would not have to go through with it, but no. I gave my friends one last wave goodbye before I descended into this hellhole.

 I found this journal I am writing in right now in one of the various piles of shit down here, or up here? I am not certain of direction anymore, for this place is like a maze it's inside is bigger than its outside. I am surprised no one has come looking for me, and if they have, I have not seen them. 

Once you are in this place the difference between night and day is nothing, you can't tell because there are no windows. I have been surviving off of food and drink that I have found in these piles. They are piles, you see, there are random piles of things that don't seem to have any correlation in here, food, clothes, linens, toys etc. In random places, no organization whatsoever. It's almost as if this was the place where all lost things went.

The only light that illuminates the rooms are flickering fluorescent lights hanging above, they don't light up the rooms very well, however. The lights don't seem to fit into the house's style, they seem better suited to a warehouse. 

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