Chapter 4

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Clay's POV:
It wasn't even 10:00 AM yet and everybody already fell asleep, I didn't mind. I sat in my gaming chair and scrolled through twitter. I decided to tweet,
Everybody fell asleep :( Y/N is so short SHORTER THAN GEORGE. Anyways, I seen a lot of hate comments about y/n and I would just like to say, since she is a girl, there is absolutely no reason to hate on her. She has actually became apart of the dream team and one of my best friends. So SUCK IT MOTHER FUCKAS!
I wheezed at my own tweet. I really hated that y/n got hate, it's all the sexists pigs out there, the jealous 'e-girls', and the toxic stans. I decided to lay down in my bed, and take my shirt off. It was unbelievably hot in the house, like normal. I turned on the AC, and laid down. I shut my eyes, slowly drifting to sleep.
Y/N's POV:
About two hours later, I woke up. I walked into the hallway, and seen Clay's door open. He was probably asleep, so I decided to close it. I looked in there, and he absolutely no shirt on. Even though it wasn't that big of a problem, I still blushed. I don't know why, I usually never do that. Maybe I did like Clay, and I just won't admit it? I shut his door, and went back to my room. I put my H/C hair up, in a high pony tail and slipped on an over sized lavender shirt with some black shorts. I pulled out a big box that had my desk and chair in it. I had to rebuild everything, which I really didn't care. I started un-packing all of the parts, until I heard a knock at the door.
"Come in!"
I yelled.
Clay peeked his head through the door.
"Hey y/n!"
He said.
"Oh you finally have a shirt on"
I said, laughing.
"Do you not like it?"
He laughed and shook his head, which made me blush even more.
Clay came over to me, and sat on his knees getting the nails.
"May I help?"
He asked.
"Well of course."
We both started building the desk. After we were done, he helped me lift it up. We placed it in front of my window, with the curtains. He patted my head for some reason, I guess he's just taking advantage of being tall, I couldn't stop blushing. About 1 hour later, we got my whole room finished.
"Wow that was pretty fast"
I said, rubbing my neck.
He said awkwardly laughing. He flopped on my bed and said,
"Why is your better more comfortable than mine"
I jumped on the bed with him, laughing.
He laid down on the bed, putting his arm behind his head, and putting one leg up. I sat down right beside him turning on the TV.
"What do you want to watch?"
I asked him.
"Uh...I really don't know. How about Annabelle? I think it's on Hulu."
"Jesus Christ, Clay. I heard Annabelle was terrifying."
"It is, but I'll keep you safe."
He said laughing.
He turned on Annabelle, and turned up the volume. It was turning sundown by now. (I'm not going to add any spoilers so I'm just gonna time skip) It came to the jump scare, that we both knew was coming. I covered my eyes, and heard a scream from the TV. I felt two arms wrap around me, pulling me closer. It was Clay, getting scared.
"Am I protecting you, or are you protecting me?"
I said laughing.
"Shut up, and just lay down."
"W-wh- okay.."
I laid down in his arms, as he grabbed my hand, squeezing it. I smiled at his fright, and then laid my head on his chest.
1 hour passed, and me and Clay were completely terrified. I really didn't want to get up, but I had to.
"Want to go ask George and Nick if they want anything to eat? I haven't eaten all day."
I asked.
"Whatever you want."
He said smiling.
I got up from the bed, and opened the door to see George and Nick carrying boxes.
I walked up to the boys, hugging them both considering I haven't seen them yet.
"What are you nerds doing?"
I asked.
"Well George here put all of our things UPSTAIRS for some reason, so now we're bringing them downstairs."
Nick said laughing.
"I didn't know where they were going to be!"
George fought back.
"CLAYLITERALLYTOLDYOUWHATTHEF- anyways we're trying to get our rooms together."
Nick said yelling.
I laughed my ass off at this point.
"Well clay and me want to know if you guys want anything to eat? We'll go get it while you guys unpack."
I said.
"Oh, how about (random restaurant)?"
George asked.
Nick nodded his head, agreeing. I walked back into my room and seen Clay on a call.
"No Tommy- TOMMY YOU FUCKING BASTARD LISTEN TO ME, she's just a fr- OH! Hey y/n!"
Clay said, with red all over his face.
"Is that TOMMY?!"
I said laughing.
"Hi y/n!"
Tommy said.
"Hi Tommy!"
Tommy acted differently on camera than he did in real life. He's actually really sweet in real life!
"Well, we're going to go eat Tommy, Bye!"
Clay said.
"Bye Clay!"
Clay hung up, and then smiled.
"What did he say?"
I asked.
"O-oh nothing important. Let's go!"

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