Guiding You to More

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While known for his temper, right now, Shinazugawa Sanemi was a different kind of pissed.
Giyuu's infamously lethargic Kasugai crow had practically crash-landed in his hands, exhausted from carrying the message from its master. Once the note in its beak had been retrieved, the poor thing finally heaved itself up and fluttered away.
Oyakata-sama had ordered the two to meet up at a small town to take out a hefty amount of demons after completing their respective missions. Their numbers seemed to keep growing, along with the town's population diminishing.
And yet, it seemed Tomioka was taking his dear sweet time to get there.
The note said he was hours away.
That was time that they couldn't afford to lose, Sanemi fumed as he glared at the late afternoon sun slipping into the trees.
The Wind Hashira would have to take them out by himself if Tomioka didn't haul ass and get there before sunset.
In the meantime, Sanemi decided to hole up in the nearby Wisteria House, watching the minutes tick by with growing irritation.
Finally, finally, an attendant notified him of Tomioka's arrival, and he spotted the familiar half-and-half haori of the Water Hashira outside.
"What'd you do, stop for a fucking Sunday stroll?" Sanemi quipped.
"No. I had to go the longer way because it was storming," he replied calmly.
"Whatever. Let's just get this shit done."
The pair walked into town. The streets were crowded with shoppers, apparently due to a local festival.
Another annoyance, in Sanemi's opinion. It gave the demons better places to hide.
Or, more accurately, more victims to choose from.
They weaved through the pedestrian traffic, which only seemed to be increasing as the festival got into full swing.
Suddenly, the Wind Hashira felt a tug at his sleeve. He turned to glare at Giyuu.
"Shinazugawa-san, the alley up ahead."
He followed Tomioka's gaze, and spotted the thrashing shadow of someone being dragged into the alley.
"Find any dead ends. We'll corner them in the middle," Sanemi ordered.
With a curt nod, Giyuu leaped onto the rooftop and ran.
Sanemi stalked through the crowd, muttering apologies as he made a beeline for the alley, which, unfortunately, did not have a dead end.
They pursued the demons onto the outskirts of the town, and finally cornered them in a clearing.
Unfortunately for the two Slayers, the numbers were stacked against them.
There were at least twice the amount of the bastards than what the reports had estimated, Sanemi observed with growing aggravation.
He traded blows with two of the beefier ones while Giyuu made quick work of the weaker demons. Three heads flew and landed in the grass to quickly disintegrate.
Finally, Sanemi overpowered one of his assailants, neatly beheading them.
The two were how back-to-back, swords shining with demon blood.
"I don't need your help, damn Tomioka. I can handle these bastards just fine on my own," Sanemi declared.
"Whatever you say."
The Wind Hashira scowled, landing a decisive slash across the upper torso of another demon.
It seemed like hours to the two swordsmen before the final demon dematerialized.
They stood, catching their breaths as they surveyed the battlefield.
Sanemi's Kasugai crow had flown off at some point, and now returned with a few Kakushi in tow, who simply bowed to Sanemi and Giyuu before assisting the small group of hostages.
Thus, the Hashiras returned to the Wisteria House. According to the crow there, they were allowed three days to themselves for rest and recuperation, along with a letter of praises from Oyakata-sama for a job well done.
Giyuu disappeared down a hall and into one room.
That suited Sanemi just fine; he didn't want to be within the same space as the Water Hashira for longer than he needed to.
So, the Wind Hashira collapsed upon a futon and drifted off to sleep.
By the time he woke up, Sanemi realized that, in retrospect, he should have chosen to bathe first as he glanced distastefully at the dried demon blood upon his uniform and the smudges of it that had transferred to the futon.
He rose and grabbed the proffered toiletries, navigating to the onsen down the hall.
Sanemi was surprised to find that he was not the only one there, spotting Tomioka in a corner.
Tomioka visibly tensed upon noticing the other man.
"Shinazugawa-san," he greeted quietly.
The Wind Hashira ignored him, sinking into the pleasantly warm water with a sigh.
He cracked open one eye to look at the other. Tomioka seemed on edge, avoiding Sanemi's gaze.
"Sheesh. What's got you so worked up?" He commented.
"It's nothing," Tomioka said coolly.
Now Sanemi was curious. He waded over to Giyuu, and reached out.
"Don't tell me you got sick or something?"
Giyuu grabbed his wrist, giving him a withering glare.
Sanemi smirked. Finally, something other than that passive expression Tomioka always had.
"Calm the fuck down, Tomioka, it's just me. Jeez, when's the last time you jacked off?"
The Water Hashira stared at him blankly.
"The last time I...what?"
Sanemi was baffled. Admittedly, it had been a rather crass thing for him to ask about, but he was more of a man of action, not rationale. He knew that Tomioka typically kept to himself; he'd never seen the other express any interest in anyone, except maybe a sort of comraderie in those damned Kamado siblings...
"Y'know, touched yourself," Sanemi rephrased, albeit reluctantly.
Tomioka looked away, and Sanemi swore he saw a blush.
"I...I don't do things like that...not that it's any of your business, Shinazugawa-san."
Sanemi was really curious now.
"I can't fucking believe it. Tomioka Giyuu, a sweet little virgin!" he crowed gleefully.
Seriously though, with his pretty face and even prettier eyes (features that, yes, Sanemi was not unaware of) Tomioka had never been laid, much less touched himself?
"If you're just going to make fun of me..." Giyuu began with a scowl, wading to the edge of the onsen.
"Okay, I'll stop...sheesh, touchy, touchy," Sanemi conceded.
Giyuu's frown remained.
"I don't see why you're suddenly so interested in my...private life. You've always hated me enough to be uninterested in every other part," he snapped.
Giyuu moved to climb out of the water but was stopped by Sanemi's grip on his arm.
Tomioka had the most satisfying look of dumbfoundment on his face.
Now that this curiosity had taken root, Sanemi wondered what other expressions Tomioka's face could make.
"Yeah, I may have hated you...maybe I still do. But Tomioka Giyuu, still a virgin with a face like yours? Now that's interesting."
The Wind Hashira moved his hand up and traced his thumb over Tomioka's bottom lip.
"If you want to back out, you'd better tell me. Do you want to stop?"
A silence passed.
Giyuu shook his head slightly.
Sanemi grinned wickedly and swooped in, firmly pressing his lips to Tomioka's. The other was momentarily unresponsive, as if afraid to reciprocate the kiss. However, once Sanemi cupped his cheek in one calloused palm, Giyuu began to slowly move his mouth against Sanemi's.
"Good answer," Sanemi purred against the other.
A soft groan rumbled in Giyuu's throat as Sanemi's free hand began to roam, pinching one nipple between his fingers and rolling it until it pebbled. He repeated the action upon the other with similar results. Tiny, choked gasps slipped from Giyuu's throat, and Sanemi could feel the slight tremors under the other's skin against his hands.
"Sensitive there, hm?" Sanemi teased.
Giyuu's hands were clenched at his sides.
"You can touch me too, y'know."
The Water Hashira's fingers slowly reached up and tangled themselves in the Wind Hashira's damp, snowy white spikes of hair.
Sanemi hummed his approval, nibbling at Giyuu's lip before teasingly sucking on it.
He broke away from their next kiss to make a path of them down the side of the smaller man's neck before worrying a patch of skin at Giyuu's shoulder with his teeth.
Giyuu was now shaking underneath him in an effort to stifle the needy, stuttering moans that escaped his lips.
Well that just wouldn't do.
Sanemi's eyes briefly met Giyuu's before he sunk his teeth into one pert nipple.
Giyuu barely smothered the whine that sprang from his throat, clapping a hand over his mouth.
"Oh...Sh-Shinazugawa-s-aah!" Giyuu gasped, shuddering as the Wind Hashira's teeth sunk into the bud once more.
He pulled Giyuu's hand off of his mouth and seized his wrists in one hand
"No," he growled.
"B-but the innkeepers...they'll hear..." Giyuu protested feebly.
Sanemi tsked and hoisted Giyuu up into his arms, cackling maniacally at the undignified yelp from Tomioka. He carried the other to Tomioka's room and kicked the door closed. Sanemi turned around, shoving the other down onto the futon below and straddled his hips, catching the Water Hashira's mouth in another bruising kiss. Giyuu had become bolder in their kisses as he eagerly used his tongue to wrestle with Sanemi's.
Tomioka lay beneath Sanemi looking like a vision of heaven, from his kiss-swollen, cherry red lips to the black sea of hair that haloed his flushed face to bottomless blue eyes now gleaming with want.
"Have you really never touched yourself here?"
He gave a firm tug to Giyuu's cock.
The Water Hashira whined brokenly, blush spreading.
"," he admitted at last.
Sanemi's fingers danced past the other's perineum, catching on Giyuu's hole.
"Not even here?"
Giyuu meweled, bucking against the other's teasing fingers.
"N-no, I haven't," he whispered.
There was something about the idea of this particular area being untouched by everyone but him that caused a surge of want to burn through Sanemi's remaining reason.
"Well then, I guess I'll have to make this first time especially good for you, yeah?"
Sanemi spotted a small tin of lotion in the corner, and crawled over to retrieve it.
He bullied Giyuu's legs up and apart.
"Hold these up just like this," Sanemi ordered, giving the underside of the other man's thighs a fleeting squeeze.
Next, he coated his fingers in the lotion, then began to gently circle around Giyuu's hole.
"Relax for me now, alright?"
Sanemi began to open him up, fascinated by the flush that had now spread down to the Water Hashira's shoulders. Giyuu was biting hard on his lip, throat straining to keep quiet.
A rather dark idea struck him; if he really wanted to hear more of those captivating little sounds from the Water Hashira, maybe...
He swiped his tongue over the twitching furl of muscle, thrilled by the resulting long, shrill moan from Giyuu.
Sanemi continued to run his tongue over Giyuu's hole until he eventually worked the tip past the stubborn ring of muscle. He moved it and his fingers in tandem, violet eyes set firmly upon the roaring depths of blue in Giyuu's.
"Sh-Shinazugawa-san, something, hnngh, f-feels weird inside...!"
Giyuu's sentence fell away into a lewd wail with a calculated prod to his prostate from Sanemi's index finger. Giyuu's cock gave a series of violent twitches; and yet, nothing came out.
"W-what just happened to me?" Giyuu asked in a small voice.
" 'S a dry orgasm," Sanemi supplied, awestruck.
"Is that...okay?"
Sanemi grinned at him.
"If ya want me to be honest, it was really fucking hot."
He softened.
"You okay? Did it feel good?"
Giyuu chewed on his lip.
"Y-yeah," he murmured at last.
"Wanna keep going?"
Giyuu nodded, eagerly this time.
"Make me feel good...please, Shinazugawa-san."
A scarred hand came crashing down on Giyuu's backside. Giyuu cried out, staring at Sanemi with teary eyes.
"I want you to use my name, Giyuu. Say it, or I'll stop."
Giyuu gasped for breath before swallowing harshly.
"Please...please keep making me feel good, S-Sanemi."
The Wind Hashira never thought his name could sound so good, especially not coming from Giyuu's lips.
Sanemi noted delightedly that it seemed using Tomioka's given name was quite an effective tactic.
Furthermore, Giyuu really was bringing out the worst in him; and yet, Sanemi found that he couldn't care less.
"Happy to, baby."
Giyuu stared at him bewilderedly for the sudden pet name, and only then did Sanemi realize his own slip of the tongue.
"Wait, I mean, um..."
"It's fine," Giyuu mumbled. "I-I don't mind."
Sanemi chewed on his lip.
", do you want me to keep calling you that?"
The other boy mumbled something that Sanemi amounted to a yes.
But he decided to be a bit cruel.
He forced Giyuu's legs up and draped each over his shoulders, pulling him closer until his cock slid against Giyuu's crack.
The Water Hashira grinded against it, but was stopped by a slap to his thigh.
"C'mon now, I told ya to use your words, didn't I? Gotta ask me nicely if you wanna be fucked, Giyuu."
Giyuu swallowed harshly, trying to avoid the other's gaze.
"Will you...can you please f-fuck me, Sanemi?"
"See? That wasn't so hard, now was it?" Sanemi crooned with a grin. He took himself in hand and pressed the tip of his dick to the other's hole, teasingly circling the rim.
The smaller man tried to look away again, but was stopped as Sanemi tilted his chin to face him.
"No, no. Eyes on me, baby. I want to watch every little face you make as I fill you with my cock."
With that, Sanemi slid inside, gripping onto one of Giyuu's arms and gritting his teeth.
Even he struggled to keep his own eyes open; nevertheless, he forced them to stay that way.
And, oh, it was very much worth it, watching bottomless blue eyes grow wide and squeeze shut until tears gathered at their corners, kiss-reddened lips parting to eke out a long, loud whimper as his back arched high off of the floor.
Giyuu's eyes shot back open and he immediately clapped a hand over his mouth, mortified.
"Now that was a sexy sound,"  Sanemi crowed approvingly.
"Lemme see if you can make some more."
Sanemi thrust in as far he could go and dug his nails into the other's thighs, raking them down and grinning at the angry red lines they left in their wake. Giyuu swore through a hissed breath, hands flying to cling to Sanemi's arms.
"Like that?" The Wind Hashira purred.
"Yes," Giyuu gasped without hesitation.
Sanemi chuckled into the other Hashira's ear.
"Good. Because I don't think I'll be holding back anymore. You can take it, can't you, sweetheart? Getting fucked into this floor? That what you want?"
"Damnit, Sanemi, just do it already!" Giyuu growled impatiently.
Sanemi laughed wickedly, and sunk his teeth into the other's neck as he thrust back in with a concise snap of his hips. Thus began a thoroughly punishing pace that wrenched a shriek out of Giyuu. His hands were manacles on Sanemi's arms, trembling voice now knowing nothing but broken syllables of what might have been the Wind Hashira's name and fragmented curses.
Sanemi was in no better shape, mindlessly snarling the filthiest of praises between deep groans. And Giyuu responded beautifully, sobbing into each attempt at a kiss. Eventually it connected, moans mixing until there was no way to distinguish the two.
For two men always at such odds, it seemed that they had never been more connected than in this moment.
"Nngh, Sanemi, fuck, Sanemi, I can't–I'm–!"
Giyuu came with a gritted string of swears, shivering beneath Sanemi as his cock spurted thick strands that dripped into the planes of Giyuu's stomach.
From that sight alone Sanemi came too with Giyuu's name on his lips and his hands in wild tresses of black.
There was a palpable finality in it all as the pair caught their breaths; was this a catalyst for a turning point in their relationship? A fork in the path for what they could become to each other?
Sanemi banished those thoughts in favor of dotting kisses against Giyuu's jaw, finally reaching the other's mouth and molding into it.
Then came a silence.
A whimper swiftly broke it.
"What is it?" Sanemi rasped.
"I want to...I want it again," Giyuu pleaded softly.
Sanemi gawked despite himself.
" want to go another round?"
Giyuu gesturing vaguely to his returning hard-on.
"I-it's not going down," he whined helplessly.
"So fuckin' needy tonight, aren't you, baby?" Sanemi remarked in amusement. "Fine then."
He sprawled flat on his back, violet eyes fixed firmly on Giyuu's.
"Want you to ride me. Take all you want this time, baby."
Giyuu flushed bright red, but nodded, nervously straddling the other's hips.
Sanemi gritted out a curse from tightly clenched teeth as Giyuu sank onto his cock, who matched him with a deep groan.
Giyuu testily swiveled in place, flinching as he felt the head of Sanemi's cock slide against his prostate. Sanemi watched, transfixed by the sight of this man he'd deemed to be an annoyance now gazing down at him with teary blue eyes, thick dark hair falling in every direction around his face.
Every desperate, breathy little moan from his lips made Giyuu sound more a Red Light District whore, something he seemed completely unaware of; really, Sanemi wondered with burning ears, just where had the Water Hashira learned to make noises like that?
Nevertheless, hearing them fall from Giyuu's kiss-swollen lips stood as probably the sweetest things to have ever graced Sanemi's ears. He watched the rapid cant of Giyuu's hips, entranced by the heady rivulets of precum that streamed down from the flushed head of the Water Hashira's cock. For someone who claimed they had no experience to speak of, Giyuu moved in a way that suggested quite the opposite.
"S'nemi, f-uh-uh-uck, fuck, it's so good, please, please, need more," Giyuu slurred through punched-out moans.
Sanemi's palm came down in a firm smack against Giyuu's ass, a sultry snarl rumbling through his chest. At that, Giyuu screamed, bucking into the Wind Hashira's hand. Sanemi slapped him again, this time even harder than before, just to hear the heady crack echo through the room.
"God, you greedy little whore, can't even talk now, can ya? Should've known you were stupid for cock, baby, would've fucked you sooner," Sanemi snarled lasciviously.
Giyuu only moaned louder, quaking madly with each bounce on Sanemi's dick.
"A-again, I, oh, it's–hnngh, it's happening again, 'nemi–!"
Giyuu wept as he came again in thinner, more violent twitches.
Oh fuck, he was a squirter too.
"Shit, baby," Sanemi marveled, reaching his own release with a rumbling groan.
Giyuu collapsed onto Sanemi's chest, near limp with satiated fatigue.
"You know... you're even meaner here," he broke the silence.
Sanemi snickered.
"You didn't seem to mind; too busy moaning for the whole world to hear every time I said somethin'."
The Water Hashira tsked.
"Did you really mean it, though?"
"Have you really thought about doing... about having sex with me before?"
Sanemi choked.
"Um. Er, maybe...?" He replied vaguely, fighting the warmth rising to his face.
Suddenly, Giyuu's lips turned in a form that Sanemi had never seen before.
There was an inexplicable mirth in his eyes, something that made their usually dull blue shine with a sapphire vibrance.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Giyuu asked mildly, brow furrowing.
Sanemi blinked away his reverie and huffed a laugh.
"Nothin'. I just never thought you could...gah, nevermind."
"What? What did I do?"
"Smile. You never smile."
"Eh? Was I?" Giyuu wondered.
"The fuck? Seriously? You don't know if you smiled or not?" Sanemi exclaimed in disbelief.
Giyuu ducked his head.
"I don't really remember what smiling is like. Maybe before my sister died I did."
Sanemi's face slackened.
"Didn't know you had a sister."
"Half of my haori used to be hers," Giyuu murmured.
"I...didn't know that either."
Sanemi felt words escaping him; had he really been that wrong about Giyuu's character all this time?
"So," he began, moving to lay on his side to better face the other, "what about the rest? The other half?"
Giyuu peeked at the Wind Hashira through his bangs.
"My friend. My first one."
Sanemi sighed.
He'd never felt more like an asshole than he did right now.
He found himself burying his face in a thick nest of black hair, arms drawn tight around the Water Hashira's back.
"I've been such a prick to you all this time. I didn't know any better. So I'm sorry."
Giyuu made a sound like a sniffle and accepted the embrace, slowly wrapping his own arms around Sanemi.
"It's fine. It wasn't like anyone wanted to know. So I didn't tell."
"Do you want me to leave?" Sanemi asked hesitantly, leaning back to look at the other.
Giyuu finally met his gaze.
"N-no. You can stay, if you want to. I think that after...after that," he intoned vaguely, "I don't want to be alone right now."
Sanemi found himself smiling.
"Sure. Okay."
He padded over to a nearby closet and retrieved a clean futon.
However, there was only one.
It'd be rather embarrassing to have to ask the Wisteria caretakers for another one.
Sanemi knelt and layed out the futon, glancing at Giyuu.
"C'mon. We'll share this one, if that's okay with you."
The Water Hashira nodded mutely, and slid under the duvet, trying to keep as best a distance as he could manage.
Although, after all that had happened between them that night, it felt...cold.
He wrapped his arms around Sanemi's back, burying his face in the other's shoulder blade.
"Never took you for a cuddler," Sanemi laughed softly.
"Shut up."

When the two awoke thoroughly entangled in each other's hold, both were surprised to find no immediate desire to seperate.
That is, until there was a gentle rap to the shoji frame.

At least the Wisteria House caretaker was kind enough to knock.

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