Chapter 9 | Part I

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The rest of days of my week is much like the first. I hope Sarah's agency gets a good name very soon so I can finally quit. Today's Friday and I can't wait to get it over with since I'll be free on the weekend. I haven't seen my friends for the whole week and I was all for it when Bianca told me that she's gonna be there to watch me in the shoot today. Today was supposed to be free but some apparently famous brand wants to see if we're "acceptable" to endorse their brand. Nevertheless I really want them to choose us. This is can be a huge deal and I know that it would take Sarah right out of the hole.

I'm just glad that Bianca's picking me up with Alex so I don't have to Uber there.

I don't have to be there till noon so I was able to get plenty of sleep today and I'm confident with how I look than I did the rest of the week. I wear my yoga pants and a white tank top, leaving my hair loose in it's wavy mess. I'm going to be pretty late

I make my way downstairs to the lobby. The paparazzi has finally moved on from me and found some new person to chase around and I couldn't be happier. However, that doesn't stop me from looking around in a habit.

Alex's car is parked outside and I wave at the receptionist before making my way to it. I get in the backseat.

"Hey Abby," they both greet me. "You're five minutes late," Bianca says and hands me my go to Starbucks and I smile at her gratefully.

We make small talk as Alex drives through the slow moving traffic.

My phone buzzers indicating a text from Sarah.

Where are you? Everyone is here waiting for you!!!

"Hey, umm Alex? Would you mind speeding up? I think I'm really late." I say as I text back Sarah saying that I'm a few minutes away.

"What time are you supposed to be there?" she asks.

"I was supposed to be there ten minutes ago,"

"Oh shit, Ash is gonna flip," Alex says and my breathing stops for a moment.

"Ash? Wha- what do you mean Ash is gonna flip?" I ask and Bianca turns back just to roll her eyes at me.

"Ash Williams," Bianca simply says.

"So? Why is she gonna be there?" I don't see where this is heading.

"What do you mean why is she gonna be there? Do you know what brand you're gonna be endorsing?" Alex asks and I shake my head at her through the back view mirror.

"Well we're not exactly endorsing it, they just want to see if we are suitable to endorse it," I say.

"Okay well you're endorsing Jiwé " she says.

"Jiwé?" my voice comes out in an almost whisper at the surprise of knowing that such a brand would even consider to use me to endorse their products. As far as I know the cheapest bottle of the Jiwé perfume collection costs more than ten times the amount my apartment does.

"Yes. Jiwé" Bianca says and shakes her head at me.

"Why do you think I came?" Alex chuckles and I want to smack her head.

"I still don't understand why Ash is going to be there," I say not overcoming the surprise.

"Oh my god! Now I'm sure she's living under a rock," Bianca says loudly.

"I told you but you wouldn't believe me," Alex says.

"Hey stop teasing me! I live under a damned rock so show some sympathy!" I say and we all burs out laughing.

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