Chapter 7: Makayla is Born

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At The Hospital....
I have been laying in this hospital bed for 12 hours with Dean beside me holding my hand.

12 hours into my labor and let me tell you something it freaking hurts badly.

Snuggle Bug how much longer I asked whining.

Don't worry you have only one more hour until it's time for you to push okay he said with a scared look on his face.

He kissed me on my forehead and went back to holding my hand tightly.

One hour later...
The 13 hours were up and I knew I had to start pushing.

As soon as I started Dean was holding my hand even tighter.

Oh my god this hurts, I screamed.

Don't worry just a few more pushes she's almost out the doctor had said.

I pushed and pushed and took a few breaks to breathe then I started to push again. Next thing you know I looked up and I saw Makayla in the doctors hand crying. As soon as I saw her I started to cry.

Deans POV
As soon as I saw my little girl, I walked out of the room into the hallway and I cried. I walked to where my friends Roman and Seth were at and they got up and hugged me.

Congratulations Dean you are now the proud father of a baby girl Roman said smiling.

Dude you should be happy, you have a child now Seth said smiling as well.

I know I should be and I am just a lil bit emotional right now.

Listen Dean I know how you feel cause when my JoJo was born I did the same thing that you are doing right now Roman said supporting me.

Now go in there and hold your baby girl Seth said.

Thanks guys I said feeling a bit better.

I walked back into the room to see Kayla holding Makayla in her arms.

I walked over to them and asked if I could hold her.

So what is the baby's name the nurse asked. Makayla Marie Thomas, Kayla and I said at the same time.

Wow my baby girl is so beautiful just like you Kayla. Yea she is beautiful Kayla said smiling.

After that Kayla and I both both got emotional and cried.

Makayla Marie Thomas
Race: Caucasian
Nationally: American
Weight: 7.5 lbs
Birthday: January 20,2014
Parents: Jonathan Good and Kayla Thomas
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: blue
Gender: girl

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