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Chapter 391
Gu Qingyao cried very much, was happy, and she also thought of all the emotions in her previous life.

Originally, she had been holding back the matter of rebirth in her heart. She didn't know how to say such a strange thing, and what if she said it?

The failure in the previous life is not a life that can be told to the family to remember. How can she explain it?

Once father or Mo Beihan knows that she has memories of her previous life, he will definitely be curious about their previous life. If Mo Beihan asked her how many children they had married in the previous life, how would she answer?

All that is said is tragedy!

Therefore, she did not want to say.

But now it's different. Mo Beihan is like her, knowing everything about her, there is no secret between them, no explanation, no need to worry, everything, they all experienced together.

My heart suddenly relaxed a lot. She cried for a long time in her arms and held Mo Beihan. It was venting and moved!

Thank God for sending her back, and also her brother Beihan.

All the tragedies of the previous life can be avoided, everything has been over from the beginning, and the good memories between them do not have to be over again, they are still their memories of each other and will be remembered forever.

Gu Qingyao vented thoroughly and cried for a long time before being coaxed by Mo Beihan for a while and fell asleep directly!

The sky outside gradually darkened, and only a small dark light was turned on in the bedroom. Gu Qingyao slept very heavily, and Mo Beihan did not wake her up.

But on the Gu family's side, Gu Yundong and Gu Jinlin frowned.

"What time is it? Why hasn't Yaoyao returned?"

Gu Jinlin looked at his watch. Now the weather is getting colder and it gets darker and earlier, and it's all dark before seven o'clock.

"Just wait at seven o'clock! How long did Bei Han not send her back?"

Gu Yundong nodded. Gu Qingyao was with Mo Beihan. He had nothing to worry about, so he continued to read the newspaper in the living room, and the two children were asked to practice calligraphy in the living room.

During the recent period, Gu Yundong is most pleased that he has been obedient to the two children a lot, knows a lot of words, and can write a lot of words.

After eight thirty, Gu Qingyao still did not come back, Gu Yundong was a little anxious.

"Why haven't you come back?"

Zhou Ping glanced at him, and thought about what her son said to her before, but after all, she didn't speak.

Gu Jinlin said: "Let me see. If the time is too late, I will bring Yaoyao back. If there is something to help over there, if it is delayed, I will stay there for one night. Anyway, I will not go to work tomorrow."

Gu Yundong has no objection.

"Okay, then you go!"

When Gu Jinlin arrived at Mo Beihan, it was Mo Beihan who opened the door. Seeing Mo Beihan seemed to have just finished taking a shower, he frowned, "Yaoyao? What time is this, why don't you send her back? Family?"

Mo Beihan glanced at the bedroom, "She fell asleep, I saw her sleeping soundly, so I didn't call her."

Gu Jinlin frowned, looked at Mo Beihan up and down, his face suddenly became cold, "Asleep? Why did you fall asleep at this time?"

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