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Chapter 956
Grandma Mo suppressed the panic in her heart, and hurriedly complained in front of Old Man Mo.

"The conditions were difficult back then, and Zhenguo went early again. I was a woman with two children, gnawing bark, eating grass roots, and almost starved to death. In the end, there was no way to remarry with the children."

"If I dont marry, the two bloodlines of Zhenguo wont be preserved. I have been a cow and a horse for that family for decades, only then can I keep these two children. If I didnt change my last name to Zhou, people would not want to Raise a child for me."

"I..." Grandma Mo immediately hid her face and cried, "Oh, I can't help it! At least the two children can survive after changing their surnames, otherwise Zhenguo will have no blood left in this world. I have no choice but to bear the humiliation and save Zhenguos two children. I...uuuu..."

Grandpa Mo really valued Fang Zhenguo back then. For so many years, there was no news. To be honest, he didn't report any hope. He didn't expect to see his children. Grandpa Mo was naturally moved by the suffering of these children outside.

"Don't be sad. It was not easy in those days. It is already not easy to keep these two children!"

Mo Beihan smiled and said: "Yes, grandma, it is really not easy for you to raise a son and a daughter by yourself. I have a deep understanding of this. I think my mother raised me and my eldest brother in the country by myself, and later raised me. My two nephews, those days were simply not human life."

Father Mo has a meal!

I was feeling guilty and distressed just now, and suddenly I felt a strange feeling.

That's right, Jiang Yingqiu's life was harder than that of Grandma Mo. Not only did she raise two sons, she also had to endure the pain of the death of her elder son, and continued to raise her two grandchildren. Later, Mo Chengjing and Mu Mu found them back. Jiang Yingqiu also took these children to live in the country for a long time.

Later, when he came to the Mo family, Jiang Yingqiu never complained to the Mo family, nor did she ask the Mo family for credit for raising grandchildren and great-grandchildren. This contrast...

When Mo Beihan saw this scene, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly and sneered, not wanting to waste time here at all.

"Grandpa, I just got off the plane, and I have been busy during this period of time. I will go back to sleep and adjust my work and rest."

The great grandson of Mo Beihan is definitely the most important thing in the eyes of Mr. Mo. After being busy for nearly two months, he should naturally take a good rest when he comes back.

"Then you go home! Take a good rest, and I'll let someone call you when dinner is over."

"Okay, I'm going now!"


Mo Beihan glanced at the people like Grandma Mo and strode directly to the backyard.

He finally came back, but he didn't have time to talk to his wife!

Don't waste time on these people.

In another house on the side of the backyard, he went all the way up the second floor to the master bedroom. Seeing Gu Qingyao was arranging flowers, Gu Qingyao turned around. Before he could speak, Mo Beihan rushed over.


The kiss fell, and Gu Qingyao was picked up by him. After a while, she lay on a big bed not far away.

"Don't do that, it's not dark yet!"

Mo Beihan couldn't wait any longer, "It's okay, no one will come."

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