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Chapter 1136
This sudden outbreak shocked everyone. It was the Chinese New Year, and everyone was in a good mood. Although Zhou Pings recent situation was a bit depressing at home, it was not too overwhelming, especially Zhou Pings situation in the past two days. It's much better already, not as resentful as before.

Everyone was relieved, but suddenly everyone was frightened like this!

Gu Jinxuan was really angry this time. In fact, they controlled Zhou Ping. What worried him the most was this. He didn't expect that Zhou Pings affairs, instead of warning Zhou Ping, made her worse. What he was most worried about, That arrives so fast.

"What's wrong? Xiaowu what are you doing?"

Gu Yundong and Gu Jinlin both ran over to pull.

Gu Jinxuan roared: "Ask what she did?"

Looking at Gu Jinxuan like this, Gu Yundong and Gu Jinlin also knew that something was wrong, and looked at Zhou Ping, "What did you do?"

Zhou Ping was so scared that her face turned pale, "How do I know? What nerves are you making? You actually did something to your own mother?"

Gu Jinxuan saw that she did not repent at this time, and tried to suppress the anger in her heart, and said to Gu Yundong and Gu Jinlin: "She is very capable, and in the name of our Gu family, we will issue orders to let people give my uncle and Zhou Yaozu Let it go."

"Dad, third brother, how serious is this kind of thing, don't I need to talk about it?"

Gu Yundong and Gu Jinlin were dumbfounded!

I'm really confused!

Although Zhou Ping's living conditions are much better when they are married, she is really an ordinary housewife. She has not been exposed to major events and has not been to work for so many years, so she does housework at home to take care of the children.

Even a lot of housework is still done by Gu Jinlin. When he grows up, he helps the family share it.

They never thought that Zhou Ping had this ability.

Gu Yundong looked at Zhou Ping. This time, his emotions were surprisingly calm, "Did you really do it?"

Zhou Ping's face was somewhat disapproving, "Why are you looking at me with this expression? Can't I do it?"

"It's not a big deal. In a family like our Gu's family, what is this thing? Many small officials in my hometown are very capable, so what is this?"

"I asked you to help you. You still have to ask my elder brother to be in jail. Now I have figured out a solution for myself. Are you still not willing?"

"How about seeing my Zhou family?"

The whole room was silent.

At this time, the phone in the living room rang suddenly.

Xiao Qi Xiao Ba was frightened, Xiao Ba was beside the phone, glanced at a few people, and reached out to answer the phone.

"Hey, hello, I am..."

"Xiao Ba?" Gu Jinhang heard his voice, "I am the second brother, ask your fifth brother to answer the phone."


Xiao Ba looked at Gu Jinxuan, "It's your second brother, you're looking for your fifth brother."

Gu Jinxuan hurried over to answer the phone. On the phone, Gu Jinhangs voice was a bit subtle, "I just received the news. Your mother has found a dozen expensive wives in the past few days. A total of 32,000 yuan has been borrowed. I have returned to Zhou's house with 30,000 yuan, and it is estimated that the money collected by Zhou's family came from this."

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