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Chapter 1051
Ji Mingyue stared, "Zhedi, do you have an opinion?"

Ji Mingzhe helpless: "No opinion."

This younger sister at home finally fell in love and was about to marry. She was kind to their older brothers, but since falling in love with Gu Jinhang, she knew all day that her elbow was turned away, and she was mad at them!

The more Ji Mingyue thinks about it, the more angry she gets. She rushes upstairs and opens the closet. Inside are all kinds of clothes that Gu Jinhang has given her, each of which is very valuable!

Ji Mingyue tilted his head, put on a particularly fashionable and expensive coat, ran to the mirror and put on makeup, stepped on high heels, and ran downstairs.

Ji Mingzhe was taken aback when seeing her downstairs!

"What are you doing?"

Ji Mingyue raised her chin, "Huh! Of course it is to find someone to settle the account!"

Ji Mingzhe circled Ji Mingyue and touched his chin, "I said Comrade Ji Mingyue, your courage has grown recently!"

Ji Mingyue immediately became even more proud, "That is, I will soon be married to the famous old fox in Beijing, the old fox, no one dare to offend me, can I be brave?"

Ji Mingzhe: "..."

Showing off her husband in front of me all day is really maddening him, but there is no way to take this sister.

Ji Yueming raised her chin and waved his hand proudly, "Okay, I won't tell you anymore, I will go to fight."

After speaking, I went out with great pride, and the walking posture was extremely tugging!

Ji Mingzhe couldn't bear to look straight behind.



Ye Yihong's recent life is not good at all. It should be said that since Bai Youran lost power, her life has been particularly difficult.

Recently, she has been tortured and went crazy, and she accidentally heard that Ji Mingyue was about to marry Gu Jinhang, but she was very angry.

In the past, Ji Mingyue didn't even dare to speak loudly in front of her. Every time she was scolded, she didn't dare to speak. Her eyes were flushed. She was aggrieved, but she could only stare at her forcibly. But dare not say anything.

She felt so cool at the time, and the feeling of bullying was so cool!

But since Bai Youran lost her position, she has never been so cool again. During this period of time, she was bullied by those people before. Just after slowing down, she heard the news that Ji Mingyue was going to marry Gu Jinhang.

I'm so mad at her!


Suddenly I remembered what Ji Mingyue liked Mo Beihan back then. This Mo Beihan is now Gu Jinhang's brother-in-law. He looked up and saw him down. If this happened, Ji Mingyue would definitely be abandoned.

Once the Bai family didn't want her, now the Gu family doesn't want her anymore, Ji Mingyue will never want to marry her in this life!

After so long, there was finally something that made her feel happy.

Ye Yihong was so happy at home, waiting for the news that Ji Mingyue was abandoned.

"Ye Yihong, come out for me!"

Ye Yihong was waiting at home when she heard someone calling her name downstairs in the yard, killing her.

She was taken aback and listened carefully, Ji Mingyue?

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