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Since the lunch incident, Kushina has the 5 handsome devil as her bodyguard, they would change from day to day, if it isn't Fugaku, it's Hiashi, if it isn't Hiashi, it's Shikaku, if it isn't Shikaku, it's Minato himself.
Kushina's POV
Biology class has just started and I hate it already.......can u guess? We're doing a project, and worst I have to do it with HIM.
" it? " he started.
" Huh? Yeah, what do u want? " I asked back.
" We're doing the project at your house. " he said.
" Ok..."
Ring ring ring.......the bell rang
I packed my things and run off to find Mikoto.
" Kushina! " Mikoto's voice came.
" Mikoto..what's wrong? " I asked. She looked terrified.
" I have to do my project with him " She said weakly.
" Oh that.......I have to do it with Him too."
" But did he say that u have to do it at his house? " she said.
" What?! " I asked shock. " That Fukagu asked u to do the project at his house? "
She nodded.
" What I'm I going to do? What if he lives alone........what if....Kushina I'm scared." She said biting her nails.
" How about u asking him to do it at ur house? " I said. She face palm herself
" I was too scared to do anything........" She said giggling.
" Ok enough of that...let's grab lunch......I feel like I can eat a whole dinosaur. " I said running off dragging her along.................................................
Let's just say that time moves fast and now it's time to go home, and just as I was walking down the stairs, Minato is there waiting. I acted like I didn't see him and continued to walk until I reached the gate. I took a quick glance and saw that he was still there, and so I continued to walk and noticed that he was still following. Today is quite strange, normally he would just walk me to the gate, so I decided to confront him.
" Why are you following me " I asked turning around to face him.
" Project " he said.
" What? " I asked.......what project?
" Biology class " he said again.
" Oh! That I forgot..... So ur coming to my house right now? " I asked. He nodded. And just like that I turned around and continued walking.
................. It takes 10 minutes but, yep I'm home.
" Mom! I'm home dattebane! " I shouted.
" Welcome home dear! " she said coming out of the kitchen.
" And who is this young man? " she asked.
" Oh! This is Minato, he's my project partner " I introduced
" Hello Mrs. Uzumaki " he greeted her.
" Why, hello to u too Minato! " she said before walking back into the kitchen.
" If u kids need me I'll be in the kitchen" she said.
" Ok mom we'll be in my room dattebane" I said walking upstairs with Minato following. I opened the door and let him in.
" Well this is my room " I said. He looked around for a while before saying " nice room ". And just like that we started working........... It was 5 o clock until we finished.
" Yes! It's done. It better get at least an A dattebane! " I said. And he chuckled, chuckled? I immediately turn to look at him not believing my ears.
" What? " he asked.
" U just laughed! " I said.
" Can't I? " he asked back.
" Never mind " I said. And then I turned around to open the door.
" Where are u going? " he asked.
" Getting snacks " I said before closing the door..................when I got back I saw him looking at my photos.
" What are you doing? " I asked him.
" Ur cuter when u were younger " he said.
" Does that mean I'm ugly right now? " I asked him back. And he shrugged his shoulders.
" Why you, you're not getting any of this. " I said hiding the french fries. And then I heard something grumbling, it was his stomach. I silently giggle. Then an idea hit me.... I mischievously smirk, let's tease him. I eat them in front of him........but he looks so adorable with his blue orbs, and his stomach grumbles again, I tried to hold my laughter, and since he helped me with the project I'll be generous.
" Blondy... U want some? " I asked and his eyebrow twitched with the new nick name,
" I have a name too you know " he said sitting down in front of my laptop.
" U write too? " he asked me. Oh god! I ran and shut my laptop, which earned a confused look from him.
" It's.... Personal. " I said.
" Kushina! Minato! Dinner's ready " mom shouted. Wait! what! Dinner! What time is it already........ I turned to look at the clock that's hanging on the wall and saw that it's 7:00 already. I turned around and opened the door to let him out.
" Minato why don't u join us for dinner" mom said.
" Thank you Mrs. Uzumaki but I don't want to bother u " he said.
" It's ok... Come now " mom said dragging him along.
" Dear this is Minato, Kushina's friend" mom introduced him to dad.
" Well, hi there Minato " dad said.
" Hello Mr.Uzumaki " he greeted back before sitting down next to him, I saw dad whispering sth. to him and his face was flushed........ Oh god dun tell me...... He asked that question..........I looked away and started eating.... God I was hungry. After dinner I walked him to the door.
" U sure u can walk back home alone, it's kinda getting dark. " I said.
" Nah I'm fine " he said before walking off.
" A simple thank you or bye would be nice " I mumbled before shutting the door. Minato Namikaze the weirdest guy I've ever met.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2015 ⏰

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