Lunch disaster.

735 19 3

Normal pov :

It's another day of school, but 1st period has already finished. And it's now the second which is Chemistry..................with time drifting slowly it was about to end. The bell rang, and Kushina and Mikoto was about to run out of class, as they usually do, after they've been put in their new unwanted seats. But today, it seems that they are stopped by Jiraiya, to return some books to principle Sarutobi.

Grrrr, grr

Kushina's stomach growl......

" I'm hungry!! Why didn't he send someone else?! Dattebane! " Kushina growled in annoyance.

" Yeah, me too, why us.! " Mikoto whined. But nonetheless they completed the task. They started running to the cafeteria, hoping that it's not full yet.

" Hey over here. " Tsume shouted through the crowds.

" Why are u all still standing? " Kushina asked surprise.

" Can't u c there's no table left Tomato? " Tsume said.

" How about that last one over there? " Kushina asked in confusion.

" Ugh.... You might not want to sit there. " Mikoto whispered.

" Why?..... " Kushina whined, for goodness sake she's hungry.

" It's the Ferocious's table, and u know, what might happen if we mess with them. " Mikoto whispered.

" Ugh! Who cares anyway.....This is a school, we pay money to be here, it's not like we pay lesser than them, who do they think they're having more privileged than the others, the principle's sons!!? " Kushina shouted out loud.

" No we're not.... " Minato's sharp voice came.

Kushina's pov:

Uh oh....bad timing Kushina, bad timing..........

" U could sit with us if u want. " He said and just walked pass us, with the rest of the gang following and I saw Fugaku glared at me so I stared at him.

" What should we do now? " Hinada asked.

" I dun know, maybe we could go outside. " I suggested.

" He said, u could sit with us, so stop acting like princesses and sit down. " Fugaku mocked. I just stared at him with a plate of soup in my hand, believe me I really wanted to dump it on his head. I was about to say Sth, but my stomach beat me to it. Grrrr it growled.... And I saw Minato looking at us before getting up and dragged me to his table and pushed me down.

" Sit. " he said before eating his food. I looked to the girls for help, but they just gave me their sorry looks and walked to the table that someone had just left a second ago. So I gave them my ur not my friends anymore look.

" Eat. " Minato commanded again.

" I'm not ur slave, u know. " I said.

" ............Hn...u should be greatful that we let u sit with us,Tomato. " Fugaku shot at me.

" why should I? I didn't want to sit here in the first place. " I said giving him a spoiled look.

" Enough, just eat, and u can go. " Minato said while making eyes contact with me. I gulped.........and started to shove food in my mouth, hoping to get out of here alive. After 3 mins of shoving down food, I stood up and was about to take my leave.

" Where are u going? " Minato asked me.

" uh! I finished my food. " I said calmy.

" Hiashi, Shikaku " he said. And I just saw them nod before standing up.

" C'mon we'll take u to class." Shikaku said.

" Why? couldn't u just leave me ALONE? " I asked, what are they doing.

" Do u still want to go ALONE? " Hiashi signaled me to look behind my back, and I saw fan girls glaring dangerously at me. Ok, on second thought lets just go.

"............" I said nth and started to walk.

We were walking in silence, and I was wondering what those girls might do to me, if they hadn't come. Not a moment too soon, I found out what I wanted to know. A group of girls walked to our direction and their leader, a girl I've never known before, was speeding up and was about to hit me with her palms, until a strong hand grabs her, it was Hiashi's.

" What do u think ur doing? " Hiashi asked that girl.

" Get out!.....I'm going to teach her a lesson! " she said and I heard her mumbling about me stealing her Minato-kun, yuck!

" If u dun leave soon, we would not guarantee your safety. " Shikaku stepped in. Oh ho, look at her face, white and pale, u better run dattebane.
" Fine....., but u won't be so lucky next time, c'mon girls. " and just like that they walked away.

" I could handle them by myself, thx u very much. " I said acting all mighty.

" If u could, u wouldn't have said nth back there at the cafeteria. " Shikaku shrugged.

" I...I " I was trying to find some excuses.

" Ok, ok can we just go now. " Hiashi asked.

" fine! " I said while grumbling about how annoying they are.
Finally, we've reached my locker......
wow news do travel locker was full of sticky notes with insults writing on them.........some even go as far as adding fake blood and threaten to kill me if I dun stay away from their MINATO-KUN..........
" sigh " ............slutty fan girls these days..........
" U ok? " Sukaku asked.
"........Urgh! Who cares what they think? " I grumbled.....yeah who cares?!.......T-T
" Oh there u are....Kushina! " Mikoto shouted running towards my direction. "I've been looking all over for ..........oh! " she stopped seeing the boys...
" Well...we're leaving..... " Hiashi said...and they both walked away. And I was welcomed by an elbow nudging in my stomach....
" Pss...Kushina.......why are they here? " Mikoto asked worriedly.
" Oh they are just......looking after " I answered.....
" Looking after u?.......? " she said shaking her head....." Nvm that.....ha-have u seen ur locker...Yet? "
" " I nodded............and she patted my shoulder.
" Don't care what those slutty girls.......ur not like what they said u r... " She smiled.
" Don't worry I'm fine......u know how strong I am Dattebane...." I said giving her my biggest grin......
As we walked toward our English class......people was giving me strange looks...and some turned around and whispered something into the other's ears....while some pointed their fingers at me......
" Hey Ms. popular..... " Tsumei shouted........
" Ms.Popular? " I asked sounds ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
" Yeah... Everyone in the school is talking about u. " She replied.
" Don't mind her Kushina.. " Yoshino said.
" What? I'm just saying the truth. " Tsumei pouted.
" R u ok? Kushina? " Hinada asked.
" yep...I'm perfectly.....fine. " I replied.....finally the bell rang again and this time it's third peroid... English....
We all went into the class and took a seat......." Class went a bit roughly as the bullies keep throwing some crumpled papers at my head...........
And finally fourth period....gym....and again Tsumei hit another girl's face with a volleyball........I'd hate to be on a different team from her.
I went home.......continuing with my everyday life's finally catch some zzzzs.

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