A flying shoe

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Ring ring, ring ring, Kushina's phone beeped. She reached out to find her phone and answer the call.

" Hellooo." She was still asleep, but was awakened with a shocking realization.

Kushina pov:

" Kushina, where are u, get ur butt over here! " Mikoto shout through the phone. My eyes were wide open, like they never want to close again.

" Ahhhhhh! I overslept, I'll be there in 10 mins. " I answered, while running into the bathroom. I furiously brush my teeth and wash my face. After that I throw on my uniform, hoping that they are not on the wrong sides. Running down the stairs, I grab my back pack, and went straight to the door.

" Bye mom, bye dad! " I cried out my farewell to my parents. I ran and ran as fast as my legs could run. Reaching the school's gate with 5 mins to spare. My classroom is near the soccer field, so I have to run across that area. Swish! a ball cut in front of my face, which made me stop running.

" Sorry! " the one who kicked the ball said, " Could u pls kick that back, thx u btw. " and so I kicked the ball back as requested, but today is really not my day, along with the ball was my shoe. oh no. Bang, it hit someone's face. I was about to find out who it was until.

" Hey! u, are u blind? " a sharp stern voice came into my ear. I looked up and saw a group of boys......... Of all the people to hit, why did u hit one of the Ferocious, and importantly it's leader huh! I hate u shoe!.

"..............." One of them brought out a tissue, and rubbed the stain on their leaders cheek.

" I asked u, oi! are u deaf?! " the guy with the oynx eyes repeated again, I'm getting annoyed.

" Well, if I can still c your face and hear ur voice, then no! I'm not! " I replied.

" Why u.......... " he was about to hit me until a hand stop him.

" Easy there! Fugaku. " Minato said, more like stare him down. The annoying guy backed down and obeyd like a puppy with its master. Is he that scary, I wonder.

" Fine!...... at least have some manner and say ur sorry girl! " the noisy guy who's name Fugaku start blabbering again.

" I was about to, but u cut me! " I shot back, really I'm not the kind who likes to admit defeat.

" So ur saying that it's my fault?! "

" Dun know, figure it out yourself, if ur smart enough! " I said with a smirk on my face.

" ENOUGH! " Minato shouted again, everyone was quiet. Yeah, he's scary. He turned to look and stare at me with an intense gaze. I gulped, pls dun hit me, please dun hit me, I beg in my mind.

" Let's go. " he said, then they all walked away, and acted like nth had happened. Ok, next time I'll take a different route to class, just to be safe.

" Phew!! " I sigh! diverting my eyes back onto my watch, which read 8:05. 5 mins late, thx to them. So, I started running again, until I get to my biology class, panting like crazy. I said sorry to Ms. Tsunade, and was unlikely welcomed by a death glare from annoying Fugaku, and a stare from Minato, while Shikaku is too lazy to even notice. I just ignored them, and walked up to my seat which is next to Mikoto.

" Hey! Kushina, what took you so long?! " Mikoto asked.

" I ran in, into...... " I gulped not wanting to finish the sentence.

" Ran into what? " Mikoto, asked me.

" No, not a what Mikoto, a who. " I gave her a clue.

" Ok, stop beating around the bush, who did u run into? " she asked.

" Them! " I signaled to the right of my head.

" Huh? Who? Just spit it out already! " -_- Mikoto, I swear sometime, ur just too blunt.

" The ferocious. " I tried to whisper. She blinked than gasp .

" YOU RAN INTO WHAT! " she shouted, earning everyone's attention.

" Shhhhh, why did u shout, they'll know. "

" Oops sorry! Ok, tell me everything, and I mean EVERY SINGLE LITTLE THING! "

" I'll tell u and the girls at lunch ok? "

" Fine! "

Little, by little, biology class ended, but Yoshino, Mikoto, and I were stopped before we could leave, because Ms. Tsunade had asked as to run some errands for her, which is delivering books to the library.

" Ok, Kushina will u tell us now? " Mikoto asked excitedly.

" Tell us what? " Yoshino asked.

" This morning, she ran into the Ferocious! " Mikoto told her. This time it's Yoshino's turn to shout.

" Oh my god! What did u do, did they beat u, rape u, threaten u? " Yoshino asked randomly.

" Oi!, are u guys cursing me, I'll tell u everything u want to know at lunch, so can we just focus on delivering these books now? " I asked.

" Fine! " they both said.

After we delivered the book, we went our separate ways, because today is Tuesday, so I have chemistry at second period with Mikoto, while Yoshino and Hinada have math, and Tsume biology.

Normal pov :

" Ok! Class, Let me introduce myself, I'm the handsome and amazing Jiraiya, ur chemistry teacher, and as u know each year I have to partner u guys up, so listen to ur number carefully and move to sit at ur new seats "

And so he started to call out names and numbers until it was my turn.

Kushina's pov:

" Kushina Uzumaki number 10, and Minato Namikaze number 11. " I gulped,no no no noooooo. Not him. I just hit him with my shoe this morning, he'll kill me. I tried to make eye contact with Mikoto to ask for help. But..........

" Mikoto Uchiha number 14, and Fugaku Uchiha number 15. " great! There goes my helper, she looked over to me with the same expression.

As I walked over to my new seat, I saw some girls probably fan girls, glare at me like they're about to rip me apart savagely, I can't help but notice that, goosebumps were crawling on my skin. Wait, what?!since when is Kushina Uzumaki a wimp, come on keep it together Kushina! I try to give some self encouragement. I saw that my partner was already at the desk, so I just sat down and pretended like the shoe incident never happen, and that I never met him. It worked for a while, until I can't stand his intensive gaze any longer. I glanced at him, and saw that he was looking at me, especially my red hair. It wasn't strange for him to have his attention on it, because since I was young, I was always bullied about my hair, they said that it's strange, tough, and ugly. No wonder, if he hates it too...... Wait, why do I care if he likes it or not! Snap out of it will ya!

" It's beautiful................" I heard him mumble, it wasn't meant for me to hear, but anyways, I heard it. A smile finds it's way on my face......it was the first time, anyone had ever complimented my hair, besides my parents..........

The Love That Starts With A Shoe [Minakushi] ~On Hold~Where stories live. Discover now