The Blue Mine Cantina

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"Damn!" Jubal cursed, slamming his fist against his console. Hitting it didn't work; it never did. With a sigh, the pilot glanced up through his viewport, misgivings twisting his stomach as he eyed the vacant village lying before him.

Suppose I have no choice but to see if it's as empty as it looks.

Checking his blasters were secure in their holsters, Jubal hit the button for the ramp and descended, eyes scanning for any sign of danger. The hairs on the back of his neck were raised despite the lack of anything immediate.

With his hands on his blasters, Jubal strode into the village of the Outer Rim world. Every building was empty, deserted, with the exception of a building at the other end of the village, with a rusted sign indicating it as the Blue Mine Cantina. Beyond that was a sign pointing in the direction of a mine.

There was a light in the window.

Jubal entered the cantina, glancing around. Only one being was inside, standing behind the bar counter, bending over. All he could see was their back.

"What does it take to get a drink around here?"

Jubal expected the being to startle but instead, they slowly straightened. The woman lifted an eyebrow at the smuggler, tilting her head forward. "Some credits, like everywhere else in this damn galaxy."

Jubal walked toward the counter, keeping his gaze on the woman. Dark hair braided around her head, silver eyes glinting, she looked slightly familiar but he couldn't place her. "So, you're the bartender?"

"For now," she said with a slight smile, pouring a shot of alcohol and pushing it toward Jubal. "Drink up, smuggler."

Jubal perched on a stool, taking a sniff of the whiskey. The woman rolled her eyes and turned away from him, showing Jubal the holster belts slung across her waist.

"Who are you?" he asked, taking a sip.

"Bartender," she replied.

All right then. "What happened in this town?"

"The miners hit gold," the bartender told him, leaning on the counter and giving Jubal that elusive grin again. "Or rather, silver. They found something that wasn't supposed to be found, and released something they shouldn't have released."

"Where are they?"

"In the mine," she said, widening her eyes slightly. "Where I used to be."

Jubal felt his own eyes widen as the bartender hoisted herself onto the counter and swung across, legs dangling over the other side. With one hand, she grasped Jubal's chin and suddenly, he couldn't move.

"I saw the flicker of recognition in your eyes, smuggler, when you looked at me," she said softly. "Yes. I am her. Sylver Reaper. The unyielding hunter."

"You died."

"There are ways to survive," Sylver told Jubal in that same soft voice. "The Jedi, the Sith, they all find their cultic ways to outlast death. I just found one that was...a little more material."

Sylver lightly leaped off the counter, releasing Jubal. "And you, smuggler, are my ride out of here."

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