Potions, Inc

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There it was, sitting on the corner like every year. Isabel stopped, hands in her jeans pockets, and surveyed the shop, eyes narrowed. For a short time, the shop would be there and then tomorrow, it would be gone, empty and desolate like it had been yesterday. It was unexplainable, yet it happened every year, like clockwork.

The inexplicable appearance of Potions, Inc.

Every kid in the town was raised to stay away from Potions, Inc. Trick or treating in the town was regarded cautiously, for any chance a child might stray too close to the strange shop with dim multicolored lights in the windows. Teenagers were warned heavily to stay away from the shop, and due to the big Halloween party every year, no one had any incentive to come.

But tonight, Isabel wasn't at the party, and she was feeling reckless.

I refuse to go to a party where all I'll see is Lawson making out with Jennifer.

Removing her hands from her pockets, Isabel strode forward, heading for the door into Potions, Inc. before she could change her mind. Grabbing the door handle, she yanked it open, stepping into the strangely warmly lit shop.

Oddly shaped bottles filled the shelves on the walls and haphazardly jutting out into the room. Strange light bulbs framed the lights, and several people were browsing among the bottles, eyeing the brightly colored potions.

"May I help you?" a voice asked, and Isabel turned to see a young man looking at her, wearing dark green tunics with a nametag reading Isaac.

"What is this place?" she asked, glancing around. "I see it every year, but no one seems to want to talk about it."

"This is Potions, Inc."

Isabel raised an eyebrow. "But what exactly is it?"

Isaac gave Isabel a long look. "I'm sorry, who are you?"

"Isabel," she responded. "What is Potions, Inc.?"

"Boy," a voice called. "Which arachneia potion works best for the athenium spell?"

"Use the lactrodectia," Isaac answered instantly. "It brings the best results and is more potent when mixed with mineran and welisa than the reclusa potion."

Isabel stared at Isaac as the customer, an older woman wrapped in a dark cloak, thanked him and headed to the old fashioned register to check out. "Potions, Inc.," he began, "is a shop where we sell potions to the magically inclined."

"What does that mean?" Isabel queried. "All those strange words, the potions, magically inclined?"

"Batten down the hatches!" a voice cried, making Isabel jump. "Midnight's nearing and we need to whisk away!"

Isaac turned and looked at Isabel. "The magically inclined refers to the wizarding community, who need potions for various spells. I'm sorry, but you just joined."


"Those who walk into this shop by that door, are about to join the magically inclined," Isaac explained, gripping Isabel's shoulders and holding her gaze. "Only those drawn to us by the power in their blood. You're magically inclined, Isabel."

A Hallowed Anthology: Contest Entries for Halloween Vault 3DWhere stories live. Discover now