"Hey, it's me. I know, that this isn't how you wanted things to be. I know you'll be surprised as to why you're hearing from me. But I guess, there's some words that just had to be said and yet we were too afraid to say them in the moments that we were together, as one. Right? I guess I'll start with the end. It's kind of the part that hurts the least. I'll always remember the last time we met. It was both the best and worst day possible. It's like, we knew it was coming to an end, yet we didn't let that stop us from making the most out of each other's company. We talked about all the dreams we had, and laughed about the ones we were so unrealistic about. We talked a lot, and I remember, so clearly, you often catching my eyes tearing up, but looking away every time you did. You always told me off for crying over things that could be fixed; and I guess I knew in that moment, that you thought there was no hope. That it wouldn't be fixed. Regardless, I don't know why, but that'll always be my favourite day. I guess it's because it reminded me of all the reasons for why I loved you. And we lived in the moment for once, rather than focusing too much on the past and thinking too far into the future. Although, I do remember that little silence that followed after talking for a while. I remember telling you, it'll be okay, and that we'll work it out. But I didn't say that with full belief, I said it with half-empty hope. I knew it was the last time I'd ever see you but I just wanted to cherish each moment without talking about the things breaking us apart. You agreed, and it was almost as though, that one night amounted to everything we had. We talked about the memories we had made, and at the same time we made more memories. And it was like a happy ending to a good book, however, the morning after was anything but. It was like waking up after a dream, and trying to force yourself to fall back asleep, so that you could just relive it all over again. But we couldn't. And, so that was it for us.. And as I'm sat here, thinking over each moment we spent together that day, over and over again in my head.. I can't help but wonder, did we give up too soon?"