Chapter 9: Our Little Secret

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I was currently lying on the couch with my head in Delsin's lap. He's become sort of protective in the past couple hours. Even when my bed was on fire, he wouldn't let me go grab the fire extinguisher. Reggie ran around, following my directions to where it was. To say my bed was burnt was an understatement. I would have to replace it soon. I'm slightly bitter about it...I mean come on! It's was bed! My nice comfy bed! So now I would have to sleep out here, with only a crappy blanket to cover me.

"You asleep?" Delsin whispered, playing with my hair. I turned to look at him.

"No." I whispered back, clutching the blanket closer. His golden brown eyes stared at me.

"You cold?" He asked, moving his hand to my arm. The sheer warmth from his hand sent shivers down my spine. "Damn, you're freezing. Come here." He motioned for me to sit up. I quickly did so and he easily lifted me onto his lap. I raised an eyebrow at him and he just smirked. "Don't worry, I'm just going to warm you up some."

"No funny business.." I trailed off, enjoying the warmth his body. I was sort of laying across his lap, with my side in his chest. I started to shiver as half of me was getting warm and the other half was freezing. I stood up quickly and avoided eye contact as I straddled him, bringing my arms to between our chests and putting my head in his neck. I blushed as I felt him chuckle. He pulled the blanket tightly around us and started rubbing my back. I felt his breath on my neck, making me Reggie had left a while ago, apparently too stressed from the whole near-death-fire-fiasco.

I closed my eyes and put my freezing lips to Delsin's neck. I felt him tense and I smirked. His hands squeezed me slightly. I slowly started to kiss his neck, causing him to start to grip at my back. I slowly sat up at stared at him. His eyes had darkened to almost black, he was staring at my lips. I slowly looked down at his and we both glanced up at the same time. I leaned forward, feeling him do the same. Our lips barely brushed each other's and my face flushed bright red so I put my head back in his neck quickly, smirking at his groan.

"Fucking tease..."I heard him mutter. I smiled and closed my eyes. His hands resumed rubbing my back, lulling me to sleep. I snuggled further into his warm body, causing him to readjust and laugh quietly. He started tracing patterns on my skin, tickling me.

"Delsin...stop...that tickles..."I mumbled, close to sleep. I could practically feel the smirk burn into me. He moved his hands to my sides and started tickling me. I growled at him and pinched his chest.

"Ow! Damn!" He whined. I smirked and moved my head further into his neck. Loving the smell coming off of him. I wasn't able to describe was just...Delsin. He froze again. I opened my eyes and felt him tense as my eyelashes tickled his neck.

"What's wrong?" I asked, not moving.

"Nothing..."he whispered hoarsely, his hands going to my hips. I sat up and groaned quietly. I looked at his face and the darkened look was sit there.

"What is it?" I asked, a shiver going down my spine. It was like staring into the eyes of a tiger...not knowing when it will pounce..He just kept looking between my eyes and lips. I furrowed my eyes in confusion. He's acting like this because...he wants to kiss me...? I've never had a boyfriend..never been kissed...I stared at his lips...they were so...nice...I closed my eyes suddenly and felt the warmth of his lips brushing against mine again. I just sat there...not knowing what to do...

"Ashen..." He quietly whispered. God, his voice is sexy. A shiver went down my spine again. I could feel his breath on my lips. I opened my eyes to see him staring at me. Suddenly, I pushed my lips into his and put my hand on his face, holding him. He put his hand on the back of my head. It felt like...this was the feeling I would get from the cores..but so much better.

"Hey I'm ba- oh Jesus Christ..." Reggie's sudden voice made me jump. Delsin moved his hand to my side and I moved mine to his shoulder.

"Oh, hey." Delsin said, looking at his older brother. Reggie rolled his eyes and gave me a glare. I awkwardly got off Delsin and cuddled up in the blanket at the very edge of the couch. I heard Delsin laugh quietly and Reggie sigh. I closed my eyes and put my head on the arm of the couch. The brothers started to discuss things quietly. I couldn't really make out what they were saying, but their tones were extremely serious. Just as I was about to fall asleep I heard Delsin say my name. I twitched my head slightly, not having the energy to open my eyes.

"Hey, is she awake?" Fetch's voice came from nearby.

"I don't think so." Delsin said quietly.

"Great. So you ready to go?" Her voice had a mischievous tone to it.

"Ready to go where?" Reggie questioned, sounding exhausted.

"Don't worry about it, cop." Fetch remarked.

"No, I will worry about it as you are involving my little brother." His tone was increasingly angrier. You could clearly tell Reg did not like Fetch.

"Jesus, so Delsin has to tell you every time he h-"

"Shut up, Fetch!" Delsin quickly cut her off. "We're going to Eugene's."

"Fine." Reggie sighed. I felt the couch move as Delsin got up. After they left I heard Reggie mutter, "I honestly don't see what he sees in her..."

All tiredness had fled my body. I opened my eyes and stared at the wall. Slowly, Reggie's breathing slowed and deepened. His snores had started to echo through the living room. I slowly stood up and crept out of the room. I grabbed a pair of boots from my closet and a coat then jumped out of my window. As I was walking past a streetlight, I drained it. It felt like forever since I've been out here in the dark, patrolling. I enjoyed the freedom it gave me. Soon I was standing on the roof of a building and was staring down at a familiar blue light. I smiled as all of the DUPs around left. I jumped down and landed softly on my feet. The power cord was already open so all I had to do was drain it. I put my hand out and felt pleasure ripple through my body as I started to drain it. Laughing maniacally, I stalked the DUPs in the darkness and took care of them. My entire body was tingling. The entire city seemed so much brighter now. I climbed on top of a tall building and stared out at all of the lights.

"Ashen?" I heard a voice behind me. I smiled like a Cheshire Cat and turned.

"Well, hello." I purred.

"You were just sleeping on the couch...wait.." Delsin seemed confused.

"Ooh observant and a great kisser..delicious." I winked at him, walking slowly to him.

"Ashen..stop." He put up a hand and I paused.

"Oh, what's wrong big boy? Your girlfriend nearby?" I mocked, walking back to the ledge.


"Don't worry, I won't tell her." I said, turning around to look at him. I stepped up on the ledge. "It will be our dirty little secret." I whispered, bringing my finger to my lips and winking. Delsin took a step towards me and I smirked and I jumped backwards.

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