Chapter 11: The Truth?

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I couldn't shake the dream from my head. There was also this sinking feeling in my gut, like I knew something bad was going to happen today. I pushed both of them to the back of my brain, where they still nagged me. Walking out of the house, I headed to the pier. I don't know why, it's like it was calling me towards it. When I arrived, I noticed that several pieces of DUP equipment was set up. I silently debated whether or not to venture in further.  After I decided to sneak around and see what was going on, my phone vibrated. Without looking at who it was I answered. Before I could say anything, Delsin started yelling at me.

"What the hell are you doing?!"

"Nothing. I'm fine, Delsin." I whispered, not sure if there were any DUPs around.

"Where the fuck are you? You're not stealing shit again, are you?" Damn, he sounded extremely pissed. Wonder what Reggie did this time.

"No, Dad. I'm not stealing anything. I'm at the pier. The DUPs put up a bunch of equipment." I started walking away from the equipment so that I wouldn't get caught.

"...why..?" He asked, the anger in his voice had lessened.

"How am I supposed to know?" I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, me and Reg will meet you down the street from the-" he was cut off by my scream as a huge surge of pain went up my legs. "Ashen?!" I heard him yell before I dropped the phone. I looked down and saw concrete spikes sticking out of my legs. My eyes widened as I felt the feeling that something bad was going to happen grew.

"I'm told that hurts." I heard a voice comment from behind me. I froze. She chuckled as she walked in front of me. Her smile just screamed 'I'm an evil bitch.'

"Augustine..." I whispered, meaning to sound strong, but failing. Her smile grew.

"Ashen." She simply said. I felt my eyes go wide.

"How do you know my name...?" She laughed again.

"Well, dear, I'm the one who gave it to you. I also named your brother. Where is Thomas, by the way?" I felt myself flinch involuntarily at his name.

"He died...a...a couple years ago..." She frowned.

"Oh..I see."

"W-what do you named us..?" I asked.

"Oh, dear. You are slow. It should be obvious." She walked closer to me and picked up a piece of my curly light blonde hair. "You got this from your father. And your eyes. He had beautiful blue eyes as well." I pulled away from her, rage filling me. How dare she talk about my family.

"What are you trying to say?!" I yelled. Then it clicked. Thomas' red hair. The reason it never matched my parents. "No. It's not possible. My mother was killed when I was little." She smiled deviously.

"I am your mother. Your father stole you and Thomas from me and ran away with that..." She stopped and glared at me. "I finally found them and took care of them for taking my babies away from me. But then you two ran off. Tell me, how did Thomas die?" I felt tears burning behind my eyes. Before I could answer, there was a flash of light and an explosion and then suddenly I was in the water, sinking to the bottom. The concrete covering my legs and feet pulling me down. I gasped as I hit the water, hoping for air but instead filling my lungs full of water. As I stared up I saw black dots covering my vision. Instead of fear I felt...hopeful. Hopeful that I'll be able to see Thomas parents again...I closed my eyes and gave myself to the freezing water.

Sorry it's so short. I haven't had Internet for a while and it's not working at the moment...

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