Chapter 4: Flirting Leads to Harm

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I sighed as I felt the effects of the power core start to wear off.

"Come on, Reg. Untie me. I'm fine now." I groaned. Delsin just sat in the background playing on his phone. Reggie stood in front of me looking like a "badass" cop.

"Not until I'm sure." He said. Delsin groaned, making me assume that he lost whatever game he was playing.

"What? Until I pass out again or something? I'm not going to steal anything or hurt anyone, damn it. Let me go." I whined, fighting against the restraints.

"Well, if that's what turns this whole thing off then yes, until you pass out." Reggie said, pacing. I groaned again then smirked inwardly.

"Well that's fu-" I cut myself off by going limp and closing my eyes.

"Seriously?" I heard Delsin say. I heard someone walk over and felt them lift my head up. Suddenly my face started to burn. My eyes snapped open and I pulled away, best as I could.

"Ow! What the fuck, Delsin?!" I yelled. He just smirked.

"Nice try, babe." He winked. I groaned again.

"Fine. But, can I at least stand up? This chair is so fucking uncomfortable." I asked. Reggie thought about it.

"Fine, but don't try anything." He said and walked over and untied me. I smirked and stood up. Turning around I saw Delsin watching me closely.

"What's wrong, stud? Think I'm going to run for it? Why would I? I know you'd just fuck up my house." I said.

"Don't worry about it, babe. Your house isn't what I would be afraid of. It's your fine ass I would be scared of getting burnt." He said, smirking. Reggie groaned in response.

"Oh really? You think I'm fine?" I asked, walking over to him and put my arms around his neck. And looking up at him.

"Hmm." Was all Delsin responded. I smiled at him and quickly yanked his beanie off his head and dashed away. He looked shocked and a little confused.

"Give me it back, Ashen." He growled slightly.

"Ooh, you're so sexy when you're angry." I said, dashing away again. He dashed after me. I started laughing. Suddenly, lightheadedness hit me again, causing me to stop and Delsin slam into me. I realized we were on the roof a second before I fell over the edge. Thinking to myself, "Well, shit. Hope the concrete isn't too hard." I tried to save myself by dashing, but that ended horribly wrong, by me slamming into the sidewalk, at an even faster speed. I groaned as I felt my arm break. I just laid there on the sidewalk, in pain. I looked up and saw Delsin on the roof. Reggie came out of my house and walked over. He helped me up and dragged me back into the house, luckily no one was outside when all this happened. I realized I still had Delsin's damn beanie and I threw it on the floor on my entryway as Reggie sat me on the chair again. I looked at my arm and groaned at the horrendous angle it was at.

"Reg? Help me out here." I said, pointing to my arm. He nodded and I bit my lip and he set it, fighting a scream, I breathed deeply.

"Next time, don't Sonic yourself into fucking concrete." Delsin said, as he was putting his beanie back on.

"Go fuck yourself." I growled.

"Nah, rather have you do it." He smirked. I glared at him and stood up, holding my arm.

"Both of you get the fuck out of my house."

"No can do, sweetheart. Still gotta watch you."

"Delsin, unless you want a ton of electricity through your body, get THE FUCK out!" I said. Reggie nodded at me and dragged Delsin out, closing the door. I went to my room and laid on my bed, passing out from pain and exhaustion. Draining power cores always took a lot out of me, but I kept going back for more. It was like my heroine. I was so addicted to it, but it was bad for me. My body felt a lot older than 25. I guess part of that is because I had to grow up faster than normal kids. When I was younger, my brother was the only person I had. My parents were dead by the time I was 6 so Thomas raised me by himself, even though he was only 12. The rest of my family wanted nothing to do with us, as they knew I was a conduit. Thomas never minded though. When I was 13, he got stabbed right in front of my eyes by some hobo who thought I was going to kill him. He was going for me, but Thomas jumped in front of me at the last second. As he was dying, I could feel my power building up in me until I couldn't hold it any longer. Right after Thomas had died I went on a rampage trying to find that hobo. I killed so many innocent people... I know Thomas would be disappointed in me.. He hates me now.. I just know it...

I'm sorry Thomas...I just wanted to avenge you....

*well...that was poorly written.....*

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