Chapter 3 - Maker's Mistake (2)

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As Jin approached the wall, two minotaurs in chain armor stood tall like stone statues. Their Axes flashed in the sun.

They discovered Jin and laughed. They were laughing, but due to their horns and their heinous bull-like appearance, their faces seemed evil.

“Hey, are you alive?”

“I’m alive. I came here to become a fellow warrior.”

They burst out laughing. It was a unique tone caused by their stomachs shaking. Jin gulped at their overwhelming momentum. He had once been a soldier, but he couldn’t help but shrink back at the two monstrous minotaurs side by side.

One of the minotaur held out a fist.


Jin looked at the rough hand blankly before realizing it was a greeting. Jin also made a fist and bumped it against each other. The minotaur guard smiled and said,

“Anyway, you have arrived at Taurox and I wish you good luck. Today there is a funeral where we will remember an honorable warrior. (sad bellow). Stay alive.”

They shouted to open the door. The walls were high enough to cover the sun, and the giant door that was the size of the building started to slowly open. The door opened with a thunderous sound and Jin was able to see the inside of Taurox Fortress.


Jin thought of Minotaurs as savage monsters, since their appearance alone was heinous. But that wasn’t it. The scale of the buildings were different. There were tall buildings around the giant tree in the center, with bridges in the sky connecting each one. Above his head, minotaurs were busy going from there to there.

It felt like the city of elves in a fantasy world! There weren’t just warriors with weapons or shamans with staffs, but various minotaurs, such as merchants, in order to form a civilization.

It was a magnificent landscape that was more realistic than reality. The minotaur fortress filled Jin’s view.

“This is really a game…”

“Hey, you’re alive. Are you new?”

Passing minotaurs grinned (smiled) at the stunned newcomer and held out their fists. Jin bumped them with his fists.

Whether he was alive or not, it didn’t take long for him to realize that it was the minotaurs’ greeting. All of them asked each other if they were alive, meaning this was a place where life and death occurred often enough for it to become a greeting.

Jin didn’t know what to do after entering Taurox Fortress, so he checked the interface for beginners tips.

[If you selected a minotaur, can you really endure it?]

[If you are a beginner, look for Instructor Elroth at Taurox Fortress.]


It was at that moment.

“Uh, a user? Wah, a real user?”

There was a loud and gruff voice, but the tone was light. Jin turned his head and saw a shabby looking minotaur.

“This is the first time I’ve seen another beginner minotaur. It’s nice to meet you!”

He tried to shake hands before grunting and putting out his fist like the other minotaurs. Jin smiled and bumped his fist.

“Are you alive?”

“I’m alive. Haha, by the way, did you just start playing? What’s your name? I’m called Grom. I got it from a character in an old classic game.”

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2020 ⏰

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