Part 9- Sick Dad

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   "Amara can you at least tell me what's happening?" Nathan asked with a calm voice. His face had 'worry' spelt boldy over it.

I looked at him and without giving him an answer, I tried calling my mum but it couldn't connect.

what's going on?

"Damn it!!" I wasn't one to swear, but I did.

"I need to go to Queen's hospital right away" I said without looking in his direction , he just nodded.

"How about I drive you instead? I mean, you're not in the right state now"

And before I could hesitate, his eyes were pleading.

  In about an hour, we arrived at the hospital. I called Nma and she too was worried.

I couldn't even say what was wrong with dad yet.

I walked hurriedly into the hospital premises with Nathan walking behind me. I didn't know where to head to first.

Oge called to tell me she was with mum, and soon ,we were at the ward.

Mum ran to me and gave me a hug.

She seemed so stressed out like she had been crying. Oge stood behind her, worry on her face too.

"Mum, what happened to dad?"

"Your dad got me so scared today. He's been treating malaria since last week but this week, he showed great signs of recovery.
Today he was strong enough to go out, but when he returned,his temperature was running high. It got so high and I was really scared. I used warm water on him, no way.
Soon, he started complaining of a great pain in his stomach. Soon after he started vomiting"

My mouth was wide open as I continuously screamed the blood of Jesus at intervals.
Nathan was beside me listening keenly to what mum was saying like he was a doctor.

"I was lucky that your sister Oge had come to get some of her things . So she was around to drive us here" Mum said quietly.

I turned to look at Oge, she was sitting and looked lost in thought and worry.

"Seriously, I've never been this scared in my life. He passed out completely, and I thought he was dead." She said.

I could feel the tears forming in her throat.

"But the doctor told us he has been revived and would get better. They just need to run a few tests on him."she said as she made to sit down.

" But mum you didn't tell me Dad had malaria last week,why didn't you bring him to the hospital to run tests ?"

" Ah-ah, just for common malaria? By the way, you know your father, he doesn't take things seriously. This is the first time I've seen him down like this. I just pray his test results come out fine" she said as she face palmed.

My dad and I had formed a strong bond. I was the closest to him of all his children and that explains my worry.

"Have you told Ola yet?"

"Your sister? No, don't you know she's heavy with pregnancy and might soon give birth. I don't want to send her into forced labour with bad news" she said shaking her head in disagreement.

I was quiet, my mind racing to different places.

I looked at Oge once more, she had her head facing upward as she sank into the chair she sat on.

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