Part 20- Be my Bride👰

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This wonderful chapter is dedicated to LovethOsuala for voting on my chapters.
Thank you so much dear😘❤


Have you ever had to wait so long for something to happen that when it's finally about to, you become very anxious and nervous?

Well, that was how I felt about it all.

As my marriage date drew closer, so did my anxiety increase.

I began to think of the different ways it could all go wrong.

Who knows, one of Nathan's exes might just badge in ,claiming to have kids for him, or maybe an old woman could come claiming she is his sugar mummy.

Can you clear those thoughts out of your head right now!!

How can you think so lowly of your man?

As the clock ticked, I tried to convince myself that it would all go fine.

Soon, I found my eyes closing in those early hours of the morning as I finally dozed off after a long period of thinking.

"Ah Aunty, abi you no wan marry again!?"
( aunty is it that you don't want to marry again?) Nma's loud voice rang close to me as she was shaking me vigorously.

"Ohhm, leave me joorh" I grumbled as I made for the bed again,my eyes still heavy with sleep.

"Look at this one?, If you are not ready to marry, please tell me let me call John so we can make use of the free canopies and food" she said as she stood up from where she was kneeling on my bed.

I turned to look at her.
"Why not leave me alone?" I said feigning a frown.

"Leave you what!! Do you know what the time is? This is 9am ,Nathan's people would be here in an hour and you haven't even had your bath."

As though her words were hot, I sat up abruptly widening my eyes as I spoke.

"9am? Gosh!, I slept so late" I said as I reached for my phone to check the time.

I looked up from my phone at her as I frowned.

"It's not even up to 8am, Nma you have to stop playing this type of prank nii'

" you would have still been asleep if I didn't come here" she said as she laid on my bed.

" I was really tired from yesterday, having to supervise the cooking to make sure everything's set for my in-laws and visitors " I said as I placed my palm over my forehead which was aching lightly.

"You wanted the stress. You employed a Carterer and you still wanted to do her job for her" Nma said sighing and rolling her eyes .

I looked at her and said no word.

"Anyways, your makeup artist is here and a few of the ladies on your train too. The longer you make her wait, the more you would have to pay" she said as she stood to leave.

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