Chapter 19

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"Austin it's not what it looks like."


Pathetic. That's the best I could come up with.

"Are you sure ? Cause it looks like if I hadn't come when I did you'd be fucking your mates brother!" He said loudly.

I tried my best to hide the shame on my face, but with no success.

"Listen bro, Aly's a good person. This was all me. Don't be mad at her, I came onto her." T said without hesitation. My eyes softened And my chest became lighter. At least he wasn't lying. How do I tell Adrian, I almost slept with T. That'll be the conversation of the century.

Austin pushed us out of the way and made his way to the couch.

"Wait until Adrian comes back. I'm damn sure gonna tell him. Better yet. Both of y'all are gonna tell him." Austin said smirking.

We both exchanged worried looks. I know Adrian's temper when he's upset and this for sure was gonna upset him. Maybe even kill him.

"Anyways on to more important things. There's been an attack at the pack house Aly, but it wasn't wolves." Austin said. His facial expression serious.

"Then what was it ?" I sat next to him on the couch genuinely concerned. There hasn't been an attack that didn't involve rogue wolves or another pack looking for dominance.

"Vampires." He said looking in his lap.

"Vampires ? HA. A myth our parents told us to eat our vegetables." T said laughing.

"What makes you think they aren't real. That they aren't patiently waiting to make a comeback and take our land from us?!" Austin said now shouting.

"Vampires aren't real. If they were we would've seen one by now." T said folding his arms across his chest.

"Then how else do we explain bodies drained of blood? No visible tear of limbs just bite makes to the neck and inner thigh area. If vampires weren't real then we have a case of crazy on our hands."

I sat up straight.

"Mom always said vampires were in fact real. That they had this land before any of us were even born. Back in the 1800s werewolves only lived in Northern Africa, and vampires were across the states. It wouldn't be too far of a stretch to assume that they're back. Right?" I said looking between Austin and T.

"Bullshit! I don't believe for a second vampires are actually real. Nor do I assume witches are real. This isn't a tv show. This is real life." T said with anger in his voice.

"Tv show or not vampires are real and so are witches!" I shouted. All I could think about was the women in my dreams. Was she a witch ? "It's a full moon tomorrow. Maybe that's our chance to find answers on the attack and about me."

Austin looked at me worried. He knew about the dreams and What happened at the diner. Adrian said he had answers and I was determined to find out what the fuck is going on.

"Adrian mentioned you found some answers in dads old study?"

"I did. I found a book that contains information on the queen of the white wolves. It says that your blood is pure, full blown werewolf purity. Your basically head of all white wolves. Not that I've seen any other then you, but the book was written by someone named Lila Devoe. Ring any bells?" Austin said.

Lila? It can't be. Can it ? No it's too much of a coincidence.

"When was the book written ?"

"Dad had it filed under the year 1492, meaning the author was born in the 15th century." Austin said as he pulled the book from out of his bag.

It was a large purple and black book covered in some type of language. Similar to what the lady was chanting to me in my dream. I could only make out the first word as the rest were worn down by time.


I ran my fingers across the words and it felt like I had been transported through time. My eyes flashed a dark purple && I could see the women sitting in her Study in a room lit by only a candle. Carefully etching words into the book. I slowly walked around the room looking at the many books on shelves. I Wonder if she had written them all.

"I can sense you child."

My heart jumped out of my chest at her words. Could she see me?

"Yes I can see you."

Okay cause what the fuck is she reading my mind.

"When your 347 years old your powers tend to mend over the time so yes dear I can read your mind, and I know your not from this time. Aly correct ? Such weird names in the modern world."

"Uh yes my name is Aly. How did I get here ?"

"You touched my book child and I brought you here through your mind. Your body is still intact with your world, but your mind is here with me. Do you know why I've summoned you?"

"Umm nope."

She got up from the desk and made eye contact with me. She had long black hair that curled around her waist and she wore a purple diamond in the middle of her forehead. Her eyes were silvery purple with a twist of blue in the middle. She studied me from top to bottom.

"Are there no clothes in your time? My god Child you look like one of the towns people."

I fumbled with my shorts and choked out a laugh.

"Come. Sit."

I followed her over to a bed post. She sat next to me and ran her fingers across my eyelids.

"Would you like to know your history? Or your future ?"

"History" I said hesitantly.

"The white wolves have been the dominant creatures of the wolves for 500 years. Packs across the world have lived in fear of the Queen and her loyal wolves. Envious packs have tried to overturn the Queen to no avail. Your ancestor Queen Mera was the first white wolf and witch to be seen. She was a hybrid. The first of her kind. Her fur as white as snow and her eyes a violet purple. She ruled from 1402-1597 before her powers were stolen by another. Your mates ancestor Crowen. Your paths have always been destined, but never to be mated. It is forbidden in the laws of the white kingdom. When crowen stole Queen Meras powers leaving her to die, he spawned a dawn of blackness, white wolves spread out across the world without their Queen they were homeless and defenseless. War raged between the two families, endless lives were lost.They-

"Okay I'm going to have to stop you there. Are you saying I'm royalty ?! Because I-"

With a flick of her wrist she sealed my mouth closed.

"Now where was I, right Crowen had stolen the queens mystic energy and stored it for later use, but in 1785 the power was stolen by someone you know, but we'll get into who it is later. Centuries passed by and not a soul knew where the queens powers lay hidden. Until November 12th 1998 when a baby was born into this world. You Aly. The powers had been stolen by your mother and father and preserved for over 200 years until you were born and her queens energy was passed into your body and soul."

She flicked that damn wrist again and I could speak.

"So your telling mother is over 300 years old. I'm royalty and a witch ? My mates family stole my ancestors powers, which I now possess?"


"Would you like to know more dear ?"

"Hell yes lady!"


I'm sorry this chapter is kinda all over the place. But ii really like where it's headed 😉 until next week 😘

~Kiaunté ❤️❤️

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