ch 11 Makings of a warrior pt 2

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(Y/N) and Ellie return back to the small town that they had Joel hidden in. They trot over to a house in the middle of town and (Y/N) hops off the horse to open the garage door. Once opened he sees his other horse laying on his side asleep

Ellie put the horse inside and (Y/N) closes the door behind her then head inside. They head into the basement to see how Joel's been holding up. Ellie checks his wound and sees it healing and looking better than before

(Y/N): I'll take first shift

Ellie: Thanks

(Y/N): Don't mention it. Just get some rest, okay?!

She nods and lays down next to Joel while (Y/N) heads up to the second floor. He heads into a room where a chair and rifle lay next to a window

Time skip

(Y/N) quickly jolts awake from his slumber and rubs his eyes to stay awake. When his vision finally sets he noticed someone out in the distance. He took the rifle and took aim at the figure in the distance

(Y/N): Crap!

In the distance he saw several men coming into the small town they were hiding in. He quickly ran down to the basement, rifle in hand, and crouched down to wake Ellie

(Y/N): Ellie! Ellie, wake up!

Ellie: *yawn* What? Is it my turn?

(Y/N): We were followed!

Ellie: What?!

She quickly gets up and climbs up a washing machine to get a better look outside. She then spots a couple men outside the house searching every house they can enter

Ellie: Oh fuck! We gotta lead them out of here

(Y/N): What about Joel?

Ellie: That's why were leading them away

She then leans down to Joel and whispered in his ear

Ellie: We'll be back for you

They both then ran towards the garage and hoped on top of their horses. Once outside they were outside (Y/N) closes the garage and looks over at Ellie

(Y/N): You ready?

Ellie: As I'll ever be

They ride quietly pass them but Ellie is grabbed by one of the men and he alerts the rest. She stabs him in the throat killing him but not soon enough since the others were already alerted. The horses quickly took off as the hunters began to chase them

They resorted to trying to shoot them off the horse and few actually tried to pull them off as they passed by. Eventually they get frustrated and one man yells out their last resort

Hunter: Shoot the horses

Soon after that recommendation Ellies horse was shot dead and she fell of over a small hill

(Y/N): Ellie!

Not even a second later, another shot was heard and a bullet graced the side of his head and hit his horse. When the horse fell over he was launched forward and through a window. But, by some miracle, he landed on top of a sofa, cushioning his fall

Hunter: Split up! Find them, they want them alive

Inside the house (Y/N) is getting up from the couch. He then feels a stinging sensation on the side of his head causing him to put his hand up to it. As soon as he made with the area he pulls back immediately, due to the pain, and sees his hand smudge in blood

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