Chapter 33: You're chasing me away

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Cassandra POV

"Cupcake," I heard him whispered the familiar nickname from behind but I refused to entertain him. I'm sure he will talk about the same issue again while I will remain with the same decision. No one can change my decision about it. I don't think I need any help.

His hands snaked around my waist from behind while he rested his chin on my shoulder. If we were not in this situation, I would turn to him and stay in his embrace but right now I just want to put a little distance between us.

"Until when you will act like this, Cupcake?"

I placed the knife in my hand as I finished cutting the vegetables for the salad. "Carlos, can you move aside, I need to prepare our lunch," I told him.

"So, now you are chasing me away?" His hands refused to release me.

"Carlos, please, I need to prepare lunch."

"Not until we sort our issue. It has been a few days you acting like this and I don't like it at all."

"I don't like it too when you force me to do something that I don't want. I thought you will understand me but obviously, you don't."

"I try to help you, Cupcake, not to hurt you."

His words made me pushed him away. I turned to face him, "I don't need help, and this is me. I had been living like this for a few years after that incident and if you can't accept my weakness then maybe we should-" He cut me off before I could complete it.

"Don't say it, don't you dare to say the word. If you want some time, sure, I will give you that. You need to calm down, anyway." He walked away leaving me alone in the kitchen. The seriousness on his face didn't go unnoticed. I know he was mad.

After three days

For the past three days, we stayed in the house like strangers. He spent most of his time in the office while I locked myself in the room, distracting myself with writing and avoiding him as much as I could.

I heard a beep sound indicating that there is an incoming text. I reached for my phone and the name that popped out on the screen surprised me. I click on it as I was curious about the content.

'Can we meet later?'

I sighed at the question, reluctant to reply to him.

'I promise I won't talk about the topic that you don't like.' The second text coming in and it convinced me to reply.

'What time?' I replied to him. It sounds so strange that we communicate with each other while we were under the same roof.

'Dinner time. I will come to you.'

My eyebrows knitted with his answer. What does he mean that he will come to me? He will come to my room? What does he want to do in my room? I shook my head, with the intention to sweep away the questions from my mind. He caused me to start having some naughty thoughts.

I replied to him immediately and agreed to meet him tonight. Maybe it's time to forget about the issue and make peace with him. I might not be able to restrain myself in this situation. I missed him but my anger has more power over my mind.

Dinner time

I put on a loose t-shirt with legging after the shower. Dinner time will be soon which means that I need to meet Carlos soon. I wonder if it will be awkward talking to him face to face later.

A knock on the door distracted my wander thought. I slowly walked away from the big mirror in front of me after the last glance. I'm not sure how should I react in front of him.

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